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Remote Work Assessment and Approval Operating Procedure

Remote Work Assessment and Approval Operating Procedure

Approval Date: November 27, 2024
Replaces: Version 2022
Corresponding Policy: Remote Work Policy

Remote Work Assessment and Approval Operating Procedure


To outline the steps for employees to apply for authorization to work remotely and to assist supervisors in determining whether the employee’s role and College’s needs align with the remote work request.


This document applies to all Cambrian employees covered by the scope of the Remote Work Policy.


Remote worker: An employee who works outside the traditional office casually, on a consistent basis, or for a defined period of time.

Remote work arrangement: A work arrangement in which the work is performed from home or another off-site location usually with the aid of technology sources such as a telephone, laptop, desktop computer, business communication resources and other technology tools.

Remote work agreement: A documented agreement entered between the College and the employee that outlines the terms of a remote work arrangement.

Fully remote: This involves regular remote work, where the employee works from home or some other remote location 100% of the time and may never or rarely come to the College.  This type of work arrangement is rare and occurs if a number of circumstances are met.

Remote Work Agreements – General Requirements and Guidelines

As guided by the Remote Work Policy, the following basic requirements must generally be met when determining and implementing Remote Work Agreements:


To be considered for remote work arrangements, employees must:

  • Meet the requirements outlined in the Remote Work Policy.
  • Hold jobs suitable to be performed remotely.
  • Be in good standing (such as: no disciplinary action in process/pending or on file, strong performance record).
  • Demonstrate and possess the competencies, knowledge and skills required to perform the job remotely.
  • Have written approval from their supervisors, and applicable Senior Team member.

Terms and Conditions of Employment

Remote work arrangements will not change existing salary, benefits, compensation, vacation or other benefits of the employee, unless specifically outlined in the offer of employment and/or the Remote Work Agreement. For unionized workers, the terms and conditions of employment and/or the Remote Work Agreement will be subject to the respective Collective Agreements. Remote work arrangements will not alter the requirements to comply with employee duties and responsibilities or to comply with Cambrian’s policies.

Out of Province or Out of Country Remote Work
Generally, it is Cambrian’s expectation that employees perform their work within Ontario and in the general vicinity of the Cambrian campuses. In instances when employees request Remote Work Arrangements that are outside the province/country, the employee must be aware of conditions that guide and/or restrict out of province or country remote work, such as, but not limited to:

  • Employees cannot be a member of a bargaining unit if working outside the province/country of the employer/jurisdiction of the respective bargaining union.
  • There may be jurisdictional taxation requirements, Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage issues, health care coverage and security/border implications related to working out of province/country.

These issues must be fully investigated, understood and supported by the College prior to approving a Remote Work Arrangement outside of the province/country. Cambrian may approve an employee to perform their duties outside of Ontario/Canada in accordance with the framework set out below:

General Considerations

  • Cambrian’s employment model is designed specifically for employees who are residents of Ontario and reside full-time in Ontario.
  • Cambrian has no obligation to approve such extra-provincial/national work under any circumstances
  • Schedule 1 of the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act (CCBA) stipulates that persons employed outside Ontario are excluded from all five groups of unionized employees.
  • Ontario statutes/laws typically have no extra-provincial/national effect.
  • International travel/residency while working can have additional impacts on an individual that may not be known to Cambrian.

Short Duration Remote Work out of Province / Canada (1 – 30 days):

  • Approval level: Dean/Director Level

Conditions / Requirements:

  • Employees remain as Cambrian employees with statutory deductions as required by law and as per any applicable collective agreements/terms and conditions of employment.
  • Employees must be able to fulfill all work requirements during the requested time period remotely and have confirmation from the supervisor that in-person attendance will not be required during this period.
  • Employees must be able to meet all requirements set out in Cambrian’s Remote Work Policy (i.e. have all the arrangements in place to be able to perform role, necessary approvals received).
  • Employees need to be made aware of risks and responsibilities that they incur in working outside of the province including:
    • Group Benefit provisions regarding out of province/country appointments/work
    • CAAT Pension provisions
    • OHIP implications
    • Tax implications
    • Border rules
    • Travel advisories
    • Health and safety risks and precautions specific to the location
    • Other legal implications


Employees are expected to be available to their supervisors, managers, and
co-workers during agreed-upon work hours and make their availability clear using agreed work status tools. Employees are expected to ensure that they can be reached using Cambrian approved software and communication tools and methods, such as a phone equipped with Skype as a means of connectivity. Remote work does not excuse employees from attending mandatory “in-person” meetings or training that has been identified as mandatory “in-person” attendance by the supervisor.

On-Campus Availability
Employees must be available to attend scheduled meetings and participate in other required departmental or team activities on campus as needed, and will be given advance notice where possible, although exceptions can apply in extraordinary circumstances.

Cambrian expects the same level of professionalism and responsiveness from its remote employees as it would from employees working on campus.

Dependent or Child Care
Employees must arrange for childcare or dependent care during their agreed work hours except in cases of extraordinary extenuating circumstances which should be discussed and agreed to by the employee’s supervisor notwithstanding accommodating family status under the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

Data Security
Employees must ensure the same, if not greater, level of security for all company network and data access; physical documents and any sensitive information that may be displayed on a home/remote office computer screen or on a laptop used for work purposes. Employees must follow all guidelines, requirements and policies set out by Cambrian’s Information Technology Services division that guide and direct security and confidentiality.

Appropriate Use and Asset Protection
The use of equipment, software, and data supplies provided by Cambrian for use at the remote work location is limited to the designated employee and for purposes of completing work activities. The employee has the responsibility to ensure that all items in their possession are properly used, and the employee must take reasonable precautions to protect Cambrian’s equipment and resources from loss, theft, damage and/or unauthorized access, applying the same standards of care in the remote location as when regularly working at Cambrian’s locations.

Workspace Safety
The employee’s home workspace (or other remote work location) will be considered an extension of the Cambrian’s workspace; as a result, appropriate safety measures must be in place to ensure the protection of the employee while carrying out work activities on behalf of Cambrian. Supervisors and employees must ensure that workplace standards related to health, safety, the management of risks and the reporting of incidents and accidents that occur in the remote location, are met.

  • Typical safety assessments may include: a dedicated workspace or room, proper ergonomic equipment or furniture, control over temperature, light and sound, adequate level of security similar to the workplace, proper smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector, access to first aid supplies, emergency contact information, and electrical cords and cables in good condition and not causing a trip hazard.
  • The safety of employees at a remote work location, whether at home or elsewhere, is important to Cambrian. In instances where employees and/or supervisors have concerns about staff personal safety or identify any risk situations that could impact the ability to work safely or put staff at risk, the employee and/or supervisor should inform Cambrian’s Occupational Health and Safety team.

Workplace Safety Insurance

Should the employee experience a work-related injury or incident during work hours and while performing work functions in the designated work area of the home/remote location, employees are covered by Cambrian’s WSIB insurance coverage in the same manner as if they were working on-site.

Employer Responsibilities and Liability
The employee’s home/remote workspace will be considered an extension of Cambrian’s workspace while the employee is working, therefore, Cambrian will maintain all of its responsibilities as the employer for matters occurring during the performance of the employee’s duties. Cambrian assumes no liability for injuries or losses occurring in the employee’s remote workspace that is not directly attributable to the employee’s performance of expected work duties.

Agreed Working Hours
Supervisors and employees must document the agreed hours of work. Employees must work the agreed working hours, with a clear understanding that they will not incur overtime hours unless they have advance permission from their supervisors to do so. Where it applies, if a schedule has not been agreed upon, the employee’s work hours will be assumed to be the same as before the employee began working remotely or as agreed upon as part of the job offer.

Tax Implications
It is the employee’s responsibility to determine any income tax implication of maintaining a home/remote office. Cambrian will not provide tax guidance, nor will it assume any additional tax liabilities. The employee is encouraged to consult with a tax professional to discuss any income tax implications of working remotely.

Performance Standards
Employees and supervisors must define and agree on performance measures and performance reporting expectations prior to the implementation of the remote work arrangement. These details must be documented in the Remote Working Agreement.

Dress Code
Whilst in a remote work arrangement, employees must maintain a minimal standard related to an acceptable dress code following Cambrian’s Workplace Attire Policy. Employees are expected to present themselves on video as they would in a face to face/in person interaction/meeting.

Request and Approval
Employees must make a formal request to their supervisors for a Remote Work Agreement, and undergo a formal assessment of the request circumstances, remote work readiness (review of the job, operational requirements, interdependencies, etc.), and other eligibility considerations specific to the type of remote work arrangement, to determine the most appropriate option and to receive approval. The agreement should include expected work hours and work expectations, remote work duration, responsibilities for supplies, equipment and services, reimbursement, emergency contact information, overtime treatment, security, expected means of communication, and an incident reporting process as a minimum content requirement. All requests will be assessed by considering the nature of the job, the employee’s current standing and competency level, weighing the needs of the department, and any operational efficiencies.

Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Supervisors should strive to achieve the commitment Cambrian makes to equity, diversity and inclusion when considering requests for remote work. Although not all jobs are eligible for remote work, supervisors should seek to ensure that all jobs are assessed fairly, that operational needs are considered and that no bias exists when approving remote work arrangements or determining supports required.  Additionally, when managing remote work interactions, consideration should be given to diverse working styles, and team engagement activities.

Adherence to Collective Agreements
All work remote work arrangements must occur consistent with the requirements of any relevant collective agreement provisions.

Supporting Remote Work
Supervisors offering remote work arrangements must make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the employee is able to work remotely. Making decisions on what is essentially required for the employee to perform work activities can include consideration of:

  • providing personal protective equipment where required,
  • ensuring appropriate technology resources/equipment is available,
  • confirming essential home/remote office equipment/furniture, supportive and required training, and proper documentation.

When making these decisions and determining any related expenses to Cambrian, supervisors should be guided by the considerations laid out in the Remote Work Policy, the specific statements laid out in appropriate legislation and Cambrian policies.

Additionally, supervisors should ensure that employees have been trained in the use of business, collaboration and communication tools to work effectively. For support with this, supervisors and employees should formalize this expectation and seek support from the IT department.

Cambrian will not cover the costs of work equipment in two locations if an employee is approved for remote work.

Provision of Tools and Resources
Cambrian will work with all employees to ensure that they have the necessary tools and resources to adequately perform work activities for remote work arrangements initiated and approved by Cambrian. This may include computer hardware, computer software, voice communication, email, voicemail, connectivity to host applications, and other applicable equipment as deemed necessary. Facilities will keep an inventory of physical equipment borrowed from the College and Information Technology will track asset tags of the borrowed technology. Remote employees who leave Cambrian (voluntarily and non-voluntarily) will be expected to return equipment in person or via an agreed delivery service.

Any costs related to remodeling, furnishings (such as chairs, desks, filing cabinets, printers, etc.), or maintaining (such as electricity, internet, heat, hydro, etc.) for remote workspaces are the responsibility of the employee.

Remote Work Culture
Creating a positive remote work culture, supervisors must demonstrate focused effort to build an ideal flexible work culture that heightens communication, collaboration, personal responsibility and performance. This can be done through multiple methods such as: daily or regular team meetings or activities, one-on-one check-ins, coaching, fun and engaging team activities and building a philosophy of shared ownership.

Denial of Remote Work Request
When an employee is denied a Remote Work Agreement request, the supervisor will, in consultation with their applicable Senior Team member, and Human Resources if required, inform the employee, explaining the decision in a timely manner.

Monitoring and Reviewing
Annually or when deemed necessary, supervisors and employees should schedule a review of the Remote Work Agreement, during which they would assess whether it is meeting the needs of Cambrian and the employee and whether the agreement should be renewed or continued. Suggested review criteria can include work performance (productivity, quality of work, ability to meet deadlines, team cohesiveness and collaboration, customer satisfaction/service), relationships (working relationships, employee satisfaction, sense of commitment and belonging, reliability), impact on organization (absenteeism, availability, reputational impact, impact on unit goal and objectives, impact on departmental efficiencies). The review may result in changes to the formal Remote Work Agreement, including termination of the agreement, if it is so determined by the supervisor.

Operating Procedure

The process for determining whether an employee may work as a remote worker is structured to ensure the effective operation of the College related to teaching, learning, research, services, and supports. The decision about whether an employee will be permitted to work remotely will be reached after a review of the employee’s role and the needs of the College

1. Discuss Potential Eligibility

  • The employee reviews the Remote Work Policy (and any associated criteria) to determine if their role and circumstances might be suitable for remote work.
  • If the employee believes they meet the criteria, they initiate a conversation with their supervisor regarding eligibility and operational feasibility.

2. Preliminary Supervisor Review

  • The supervisor consults with their Senior Team member for a preliminary assessment of whether the employee’s role, operational requirements, and environment can support fully remote work.
  • If the Senior Team member indicates that remote work could be appropriate, the supervisor proceeds with the formal assessment.
  • If remote work is deemed not appropriate, the supervisor informs the employee (in person or by phone) and confirms this decision via email.

3. Complete Formal Assessments

  • Remote Work Assessment Form (Appendix A): The employee and supervisor complete this form together, detailing the employee’s job responsibilities, operational needs, and remote work feasibility.
  • Remote Workspace Self-Assessment Checklist (Appendix B) and Ergonomic Workstation Checklist (Appendix C): The employee completes both checklists to confirm they have a safe and ergonomically sound workspace.
  • The employee submits these documents to the supervisor for review.

4. Finalize and Submit for Approval

  • Once satisfied with the completed forms, the supervisor and employee sign the documents.
  • The supervisor forwards the signed forms to the Dean/Director and Senior Team member for final approval.

5. Issue the Remote Work Agreement

  • If the request is approved, a formal Remote Work Agreement (Appendix D) is created and signed by:
    • The Dean/Director
    • The supervisor
    • The employee
  • The supervisor ensures the employee is aware of all standard employment requirements and team expectations for communication, availability, and performance while working remotely.

6. Retain and Monitor the Agreement

  • Documentation Retention: A fully signed copy of the Remote Work Agreement and all application documents are returned to HR for official record-keeping.
  • Ongoing Review: The supervisor continues to monitor the employee’s remote work arrangement to ensure it remains effective and safe. If operational needs change, the supervisor may modify or discontinue the arrangement in consultation with the employee and Senior Team member.

Supporting Documents

  • Appendix A – Remote Work Assessment Form
  • Appendix B – Template for Remote Work Agreement Form
  • Appendix C – Ergonomic Workstation Checklist
  • Appendix D – Remote Workspace Self-Assessment Checklist