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Limited enrolment and selection benchmarks

The following table includes the benchmarks, or cut-offs, for successful admission to Cambrian College’s limited enrolment programs for the most recent January and September start dates. The minimum cut-off score is the overall average of all prerequisite marks considered for the program.


ProgramSeptember 2024 cut-off score*January 2025 cut-off score*
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (NURS)75%N/A
Medical Radiation Technology (MRPG)84%N/A
Paramedic (PARA)74%64%
Powerline Technician (PLTN)84%75%
Medical Laboratory Technology (MDLY)65%N/A
Dental Hygiene (DHYG)75%81%

*Applicants with a grade at or above this score were included in the first round of offers

Waitlists for these programs were established with the strongest candidates who did not receive an offer of admission. All other programs were not considered limited (competitive) for that academic year. However, programs will become waitlisted as capacity is reached. Any waitlists for open programs will be established on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Letter grades

It should also be noted that if letter grades are submitted we will translate those to numeric grades as follows:



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