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Marketing and Communications Policy

Marketing and Communications Policy

Approval Date: January 20, 2021
Effective Date: January 21, 2021
Date Reviewed: Spring 2020
Replaces: Brand, Media and Community Relations, Communications, Advertising and Production Policy and Global Policy – Advertising, Marketing, and Promotion of Cambrian College Programs


The purpose of this policy is to ensure Cambrian College (the ‘College) MarCom are developed and executed in a consistent and coordinated manner to:

  • Maintain a strong brand and positive reputation;
  • Ensure materials are accurate, ethical, and compliant with Ministry directives and relevant legislation.


All College MarCom activities targeting External Audiences undertaken by College employees, students, and others working on behalf of the College.


Communications: information exchanges, in any form (verbal, written, audio, visual) produced and/or approved by the College’s Communications department, meant to officially represent the College.

External Audiences: domestic and international prospective students, applicants, Media, partners, and the general public.

MarCom: refers to marketing and communications, inclusive of activities and materials undertaken on behalf of the College.

Marketing: the promoting and selling of products or services of the College.

MarCom Vendor/Supplier: includes, but is not limited to, vendors and suppliers related to advertising, promotional items, copywriting and editing, graphic design, printing, website design and management, Media relations, and public or crisis communications.

Marketing Materials: any type of material that is used to promote the College to domestic and international External Audiences, including branded print and digital materials (ads, posters, brochures, videos, etc.), website, social media, clothing, and promotional items.

Media: professional or citizen journalists representing either themselves or a news Media organization.

Media Relations: refers to the College’s ongoing working relationship with news Media.

Public Communications: interactions between the College, external partners and stakeholders, and the general public.

Policy Statements

  1. General
    1. Strategic campaigns are developed and executed to align with strategic enrolment management priorities, the College’s Strategic Plan, and other identified business objectives.
    2. Activities and materials intended for External Audiences are to be undertaken by MarCom.
    3. MarCom materials intended for External Audiences must be approved by the College before being printed, published, or otherwise made public.
    4. All MarCom materials shall comply with the Consumer and Protection Act, Ontario.
    5. All MarCom Vendor/Supplier partnerships and associated work must be sourced and managed in partnership with MarCom in compliance with the College’s Brand Manual.
    6. Internal departments that wish to promote their services, events, and/or initiatives to External Audiences are to do so with support and guidance from MarCom.
    7. Human resourcing, scheduling or budgetary restrictions may prevent the support or execution of certain projects from time to time if they are not in keeping with College priorities.
      1. In such circumstances, MarCom will work with the requestor to identify other options.
    8. The College, through MarCom, reviews and approves all requests from external organizations to advertise in its materials or platforms.
  2. Brand Standards and Corporate Identity
    1. There is only one brand, logo, and corporate identity for the College. MarCom makes available the official College logo for College supported events and sponsorships.
    2. MarCom materials that require the use of the College logo must adhere to the College’s Brand Manual.
    3. Other sub-brands, logos, slogans, tag lines, or other visual elements are to be developed by MarCom or a vendor of record in accordance with the College’s Brand Manual.
  3. Photographs, Videos, and Other Multi-Media
    1. Students, staff, and other individuals who participate in any College photo shoots, videos, and other multi-Media initiatives must be informed of how and where the material will be used by the College and provide express consent beforehand, written or verbal.
      1. Minors will require the signature of a guardian.
    2. Where applicable, when there is a College event where a photographer or film crew will be on campus, MarCom informs the College community in advance.
  4. Branded Clothing and Promotional Materials
    1. MarCom coordinates the production and procurement of College-branded clothing and giveaways.
    2. The campus bookstore vendor is to ensure compliance with the College’s Brand Manual.
    3. Staff, faculty, and students who wish to order program-specific or department-specific branded clothing or promotional items must use College-approved vendors.
  5. Media and Public Relations
    1. The College is to be advised and consulted about initiatives and public communications involving community partners, stakeholders, and the general public that could impact Cambrian’s public reputation and interests.
    2. All requests for Media interviews involving College employees must be referred to the Manager of Communications or designate.
    3. No employee of the College is to share corporate information, not already available publicly, with a news Media outlet, or participate in a Media interview representing the College without the prior knowledge and approval of the College.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Associate Vice President, External Partnerships and Strategic Enrolment is responsible for:

  • The implementation, continual improvement, and communication of this policy.

College employees are responsible for:

  • Being familiar with, and adhering to, the requirements of this policy and all applicable procedures.


Cambrian College Brand Manual

Marketing Materials Procurement Procedure

Signage Procedure


Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA)

Consumer Protection Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 30, Sched. A

Framework for Programs of Instruction- Ministry’s Binding Policy Directive (Revised 2009)