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Campus Update

Code of Conduct Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Policy Type: Corporate
Policy Owner: Vice President, Human Resources, Student Services and International
Approval Date: January 17, 2025
Effective Date: January 31, 2025
Replaces: Version 2021
Initial Year of Issue: 2010
Corresponding Procedure: Procedures for Student Misconduct

Code of Conduct Policy


The Code of Conduct provides guiding principles in terms of the general standard of conduct Cambrian College (“the College”) expects from everyone. It is used to communicate that every member of the College is expected to contribute to the development of a respectful environment by behaving in acceptable ways and by discouraging discriminatory, harassing, and/or otherwise offensive behaviour of others. The policy ensures fairness, equity, and consistency in all matters relating to conduct.


1. This policy applies to members of the College, including students, employees and visitors.

2. It applies to conduct that occurs on college property, or where college activities or processes are taking place, virtually or otherwise. Examples of such college-related activities may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • field placements or clinical placements
  • co-operative education work terms
  • off-campus internships
  • community service
  • college teams travelling to events off-campus
  • students’ association activity off-campus or engaged in a club event, conference, or any event where employees or students represent the College
  • any contract work for the College


College property: space – physical or digital – owned, controlled, or operated by the College.

Misconduct: includes behaviour that disrupts the teaching and learning process or interferes with the well-being of other students or employees or causes damage to college property. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Assault
  • All forms of bullying
  • All forms of discrimination, including contributing to a poisoned environment
  • Racism and hate speech, including but not limited to: anti-Indigenous, anti-Black, antisemitism, and Islamophobia
  • Disruptive, threatening, or violent conduct
  • Harassment
  • Mobbing
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual violence
  • Workplace harassment
  • Workplace sexual harassment

Poisoned environment: a form of discrimination created by the comments or actions of a person or group. The comments or conduct do not have to be directed at a particular individual, e.g. ongoing jokes and comments or derogatory statements made about older persons in the workplace.

Reprisal: any adverse action against anyone for acting in compliance with the Code, for seeking the application of the Code, or for participating in a process arising from the Code.

Policy Statements

1. The College believes all its members have the right to study or work in an environment that is safe, secure, and supportive, in accordance with the Code.

2. The College believes students and employees are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that respects the rights of others, the public, and college property.

3. A Code of Conduct offers guidance to college members on standards of integrity and conduct. No code can address every situation a person may encounter. As a result, people are expected to be guided by the letter and the spirit of the Code of Conduct, and to exercise good judgment. In circumstances where they are unsure as to the proper course of action:

A. Employees are to seek guidance from their immediate supervisor.

B. Students are to seek guidance from any of the following:

  1. Faculty member
  2. Program Coordinator
  3. Chair or Dean
  4. Manager, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  5. Student advisor
  6. Student government representative

C. Contractors are to seek guidance from the manager who procured their services.

D. Members of the public are to seek guidance from the President’s office.

4. Cambrian expects all college members to foster an environment that reflects the College’s core values of respect – to enhance every experience for the greater good – and excellence – to drive quality through accountability.

5. The College expects employees to promote and support a respectful, inclusive, and safe work environment, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

6. Employees are to act with transparency and impartiality to make sound and unbiased decisions in order to avoid any perception of conflict of interest, as per Cambrian’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

7. Nothing in this policy is meant to prevent persons from respectfully expressing their views while adhering to the law and related college policies.

8. Nothing in the policy is meant to conflict with the College’s obligations to its employees under its various collective agreements or employment contracts.

9. Students may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion from the College if they engage in misconduct.

10. The College expects employees to act in a professional manner, which includes meeting obligations, being truthful, being cooperative with college administration, maintaining integrity in their work, and civility in their conduct and communications.

11. Employees are to ensure that their conduct does not jeopardize the good order and proper functioning of college operations.

12. Every member of the College Community is responsible for the proper functioning of the policy.

13. Every college employee is responsible for reporting conduct that violates this policy.

14. Every person has the right to communicate concerns related to potential breaches of this policy without reprisal or threat of reprisal.

15. Every person has the responsibility to cooperate in efforts to resolve concerns raised under this policy and shall have the right to do so without reprisal or threat of reprisal.

16. Breaches of college policies by employees, including this policy, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, where applicable.

17. Any college member found to have violated this policy may face disciplinary sanctions, regardless of the action or inaction of civil authorities. Nothing in this Policy precludes the College from referring an individual matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency before, during, or after a disciplinary action is taken by the College under this policy. A College member may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil proceedings notwithstanding, and in addition to, disciplinary action by the College against the community member under this Code.

18. The College will reference the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (OHRC) Policy on Competing Rights as a guiding document when reviewing incidents where individuals’ rights appear to be in conflict, ensuring all decisions reflect recognized principles and best practices.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Associate Vice President Human Resources and Student Services is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the development, review and availability of this policy.

Director, Human Resources is responsible for:

  • Advising College administrators regarding this policy and its processes.
  • Assigning a formal investigator (internal or external), when required.
  • Assisting supervisors with the implementation of decisions flowing from their accountability under this policy.
  • Reporting to College administrators on matters appropriate to their level of accountability.

Manager, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is responsible for:

  • Receiving complaints or concerns related to potential breach of this policy.
  • Gathering preliminary information to assess a concern that is brought forward.
  • Advising members of the College Community about matters related to the application and interpretation of the Code of Conduct.
  • Providing education and awareness on matters related to this policy with students, employees and supervisors.

College Administrators are responsible for:

  • Receiving and acting on complaints and concerns from students and employees.
  • Receiving and acting on information and advice from the MEHR regarding concerns related to this policy.
  • Ensuring that students and employees cooperate with processes related to the Code of Conduct.
  • Holding students, employees and management accountable.

College Staff are responsible for:

  • Being familiar and complying with the legislation and regulations that affect how they carry out their duties, including those of other countries when traveling out-of-country on college business.
  • Being familiar with college policies relevant to their responsibilities and conducting themselves in a manner consistent with those policies.

Students are responsible for:

  • Being familiar and complying with the requirements of this policy.