Continuing Education resources

Continuing Education information
If you’re taking a course or program through Continuing Education, here’s some important information to keep in mind!
Admission requirements
Unless otherwise indicated, any adult (minimum age 19), regardless of residence, previous schooling, or experience, may enrol in any of the part-time courses or programs listed. All prerequisites or requirements indicated must be met. Individuals intending to pursue any certificate program listed in this calendar, must submit an application form and provide any related documentation before taking courses listed for that program. This requirement helps us track your progress and notify you of any curriculum changes and helps us plan future course offerings to ensure that you can complete your certificate in due time.
Credentials obtained upon successful completion of all requirements are listed under the program titles. For Certificate, Ontario College Certificate, and Ontario Diploma programs, students must submit an application form and official high school transcripts. For Ontario College Graduate Certificate (post-diploma) programs, students must submit an application form and official post-secondary transcripts with proof of graduation from a diploma or degree program. Please contact the Enrolment Centre at 705-524-7300 for further information and an application form. Application forms can also be obtained from the following offices: Registrar’s Office (Enrolment Centre) and Continuing Education.
Changes in program of study, curriculum revisions or interruption of studies
Cambrian College makes every attempt to minimize the number of changes to the program of study (curriculum) for certificate and diploma programs. However, to maintain program relevancy and to respond to changes in the fields of study or in legislation, it is sometimes necessary to implement revisions.
When changes are necessary, students who have declared that they are pursuing a certificate or diploma will be able to continue with the original program of study. However, some substitution of courses may be required. Should students interrupt their studies for four or more consecutive semesters, hours earned to date and transfer credits awarded will be re-evaluated for relevancy within the current curriculum. Students who have not declared that they are pursuing a certificate or diploma will be required to follow the revised curriculum. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to declare their intent as soon as possible. Please contact the Registrar’s Office (Enrolment Centre) or Continuing Education for further information.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees for credit courses are set according to Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities guidelines and are published on our website. Fees for international students are charged according to current international rates and will vary accordingly. For more information on college fees, visit the tuition and fees page.
Program declaration (Continuing Education)
Students enrolled in Continuing Education courses on a part-time basis may obtain certificates or diplomas in a variety of programs. To be eligible to graduate, students must be admissible to the program from which they wish to graduate. The admission requirements vary based on the program.
Please refer to the Admission Policy for more details. Once students have determined which program they are pursuing, they must advise the Registrar’s Office (Enrolment Centre) of their intent to apply their earned credits towards a particular certificate or diploma by completing a program declaration form. This form must be remitted to the Registrar’s Office (Enrolment Centre) no later than upon completion of 50% of the program. In addition, students wanting to graduate from a Continuing Education certificate or diploma program must apply to graduate form to the Registrar’s Office (Enrolment Centre) at the beginning of his/her graduating semester.
Graduation timelines
You are usually expected to complete your program of study within the following time limits, based upon the original program or course start date.
For Continuing Education, certificate programs you have up to 60 months to complete the program of study.
Written approval from the Academic Administrator is required to extend these time limits. If you have a disability and require extended time limits due to a disabling condition, we ask that this be verified and recommended by The Glenn Crombie Centre for Student Support.
Privacy and freedom of information
Personal information collected through the registration process is required for the administration of Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology (“the College”) as continued by the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, and its regulations. It will be used principally for administrative, educational, student information-related systems, statistical and research purposes, and for purposes consistent with all of the above. It may also be used by/disclosed to authorized third parties who are providing services to students or acting as agents for the College or for the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and working in accordance with privacy guidelines.
Cambrian College is required to disclose personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student characteristics, and educational outcomes to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities under s. 15 of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.19, as amended.
The ministry collects this data for purposes such as planning, allocating, and administering public funding to colleges, universities, and other postsecondary educational and training institutions and to conduct research and analysis, including longitudinal studies, and statistical activities conducted by or on behalf of the ministry for purposes that relate to postsecondary education and training. Further information on how the Ministry of Colleges and Universities uses this personal information is available on the ministry’s website.
Questions about the collection of your personal information through this registration may be directed to the Registrar, Cambrian College, 1400 Barry Downe Road, Sudbury, ON P3A 3V8 or by calling (705) 566-8101, extension 7542.
Prerequisite course policy (progression requirements)
Many courses offered in Continuing Education require that students complete a course(s) to be able to take a subsequent course. This requirement is to ensure that students have the foundation skills necessary to be able to handle the course content and successfully complete the course evaluations. Prerequisite course requirements are listed on our website in both course descriptions as well as certificate descriptions.
Students are advised that ignoring the prerequisite requirements and registering for a course without having completed the necessary prerequisite(s) may result in being withdrawn from the course and course costs being withheld by the College as per our refund policies.
Transfer credits / course replacements
Students who have successfully completed post-secondary studies at another institution may apply for transfer credits (TC). Only those courses in which the student has obtained a minimum “C” grade or 60% will be considered. To determine eligibility, detailed course information is required and an official transcript must support each application for transfer credit. Credit is granted on a course-by-course basis. Requests to review possible transfer credits are made by appointment with the appropriate academic program administrator. Please note that any transfer credits granted are recorded on the academic record as “TC” and are not computed into the grade point average (G.P.A).
A course replacement is an internal transfer credit that recognizes that a formal academic course successfully completed at Cambrian is deemed equivalent to (i.e., meets the learning outcomes of) another Cambrian course. A minimum grade of “D” or 50% is required. As proof of successful completion, a grade must appear in the student’s academic record at Cambrian. When a course replacement is granted, the grade earned and the credit value of the replacement course is used in the calculation of the G.P.A.
Note: Based on the time elapsed since the original course was taken and the subject matter, the College reserves the right to request additional documentation if current relevancy is in question (e.g., an intro to computer course taken 10 years ago may be deemed as not currently relevant).
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
Through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process, you may be able to acquire College credits for your experiential learning such as work experience, volunteer activities and attendance at workshops, conferences, or corporate training programs. This enables you to receive a diploma or certificate in less time and with less cost. Please note that not all courses are available for a challenge and that there is a fee for each course challenged.
Disability Support Services
If you have a disability and require support services in order to achieve your educational goals, contact The Glenn Crombie Centre for Accessibility, Counselling and Wellness. Accommodations may include access to equipment, interpreters, testing procedures, mobility assistance, and books in alternate formats. You should call well in advance of classes starting to allow time for special arrangements. For additional information, call 705-566-8101, extension 7420.
Course Changes / Cancellations
The College reserves the right to cancel any course if there are insufficient registrations and also to postpone, combine, limit registration, and/ or change instructors. In the event that the College cancels a course, every effort will be made to contact you by telephone or by email, using the information you provided when you registered. It is your responsibility to ensure that we have the correct contact information for you at the time of registration.
Class Cancellations
Any cancellation due to an alteration to the College’s regular hours of operation will be announced through public service broadcasts. Should instructors be unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances, classes will be rescheduled to make up for lost time. This will be done at the discretion of the instructor after consulting the class.
For credit courses only: a student registered in a credit course may withdraw formally on or before the advertised withdrawal date; a grade of “W” (withdrawal) will be assigned. If a student drops a course after the stated deadline, a grade of “F” (Fail) is assigned.
Any student registered in a credit course through any of the delivery modes wishing to withdraw must notify the Enrolment Centre in writing prior to the stated deadline. This can be done by emailing prior to the withdrawal deadline. Intent to withdraw must be received in writing, and include the student number, and the course information. It is the student’s responsibility to officially initiate this process (i.e., don’t simply stop attending classes or assume that the instructor is responsible for your status).
Registered students wishing to transfer from one offering to another must apply for a transfer within 48 hours after the first scheduled class of the course from which they are withdrawing (unless otherwise stated). In all cases, the College will attempt to accommodate such changes; however, students are advised to apply for transfers as soon as possible following their first class. Transfers from one semester to another are not permitted.
Final grades are due in the Enrolment Centre from 1 to 3 weeks following the end date of a course. Grades are not official until posted by that office. Once posted, you can view your view your grade reports as soon as they are posted through myCambrian. Please note that due to the postsecondary promotion process, there may be a short “black-out” period at the end of the semester where final grades will not be viewable on myCambrian.
Unofficial transcripts are available at all times within the myCambrian student portal.
Official transcripts are signed by the Registrar and bear the college seal. Cambrian College has partnered with MyCreds™ to provide students with digital access to official transcripts in an efficient, timely, and secure manner. It also can send official transcripts to prospective employers, government offices, and others.
Please note: downloaded transcripts from the MyCreds™ Learner Portal are not official, as they are subject to tampering and their authenticity cannot be verified by the receiver. Only transcripts shared via the MyCreds™ Learner Portal are considered official.
If you have recently completed your studies, within two weeks of the end of term, you will receive an email from MyCreds™ with further instructions on how to access your official transcripts.
If you are a former student, fill out a request form.
To be eligible to graduate, students must have been admitted and have completed all of the specific course requirements of their program with a minimum cumulative program G.P.A. of 2.00 (if applicable) and have no outstanding “F” or “I” grades. Please note that students working towards any certificate or diploma must earn a minimum of 25 credits or 25% of that program through Cambrian College.
To apply to a program, please complete the online application form on our Continuing Education webpage, or contact the Enrolment Centre at (705) 566-8101. Once you have met your program requirements, you will be eligible to graduate. Graduates will be invited to participate in the College’s annual Convocation ceremonies held in May.
Official Tax Receipts
Official tax receipts for courses (T2202) are not mailed; they will be available through myCambrian, Cambrian’s student Web portal. Receipts will only be available when the tuition portion paid exceeds $100.
Late Registrations
For classroom delivered courses, registrations will be accepted up to the start of the second scheduled class, space permitting. This applies only to classes that are scheduled for more than 4 sessions. For online, or Independent Study courses, registrations will generally be accepted within 2 weeks after the start date of the course. Late registrations are usually not permitted in seminars or workshops. Any exceptions to the above will be communicated at the time of enquiry.
Late registrants are responsible for obtaining information missed and for completing any readings, assignments, and tests. Individuals who register late will not be granted a refund or be allowed to transfer into another course unless they fall within the permitted refund eligible period. Note: Fees are not prorated for late registrations.
Returned Cheque Policy
For all returned cheques (i.e., NSF cheques) and all declined credit cards, the College will administer a $45 NSF fee.
PLEASE NOTE: You remain registered in a course and are responsible for full payment of fees even though your fee has not been cancelled.
Sixty-Five Years of Age
The registration fee for senior citizens (65 years or over) will be 50% of the advertised tuition fee for most CREDIT courses. All additional supplies or costs will have to be paid in full by the student. There are no discounts for senior citizens registering in non-credit courses unless otherwise stated. Some credit courses are excluded from this discount.
Refund Policy
To obtain a refund, students must notify the Continuing Education office by emailing If special refund conditions apply to a certain course, they will be stated with the course description. If the College finds it necessary to cancel a particular course, all monies will be refunded. No refunds will be issued after the timeframes indicated. Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal.
PLEASE NOTE: it is your responsibility to become familiar with the refund policy prior to registering for your course. Students who register for courses without having the necessary prerequisite subjects may be withdrawn from their course and the applicable refund policy will be enforced. The refund of supplies fees for some courses may be prorated within the refund policy outlined below.
Your registration in any Continuing Education course/workshop will be considered as consent and agreement with the refund policies listed here.
Classroom Learning Courses:
If a student formally withdraws before the start of the second scheduled class:
for non-credit courses: tuition will be refunded; supplies may be fully refunded or prorated depending on the course.
for credit courses: tuition, the part-time activity fee (comprised of Health and Counselling, CSC – Students Rights and Advocacy, CSC – Student Life Activities, Event and Support Services, CSC- Students in Need, CSC-Health Programing, and CISC Health Programming), and the technology fee will be refunded; the College Services fee (comprised of Academic Support, Career Services, Student Achievement and Records) is non-refundable; supplies may be fully refunded or prorated depending on course., eLearning, and Paper-based Correspondence Courses:
If a student formally withdraws within the first 14 days of the start of the course:
for non-credit courses: tuition will be refunded; supplies may be fully refunded or prorated depending on the course.
for credit courses: tuition, the part-time activity fee (comprised of Health and Counselling, CSC – Students Rights and Advocacy, CSC – Student Life Activities, Event and Support Services, CSC- Students in Need, CSC-Health Programing, and CISC Health Programing), the Ontario Learn Service Fee, and the technology fee will be refunded; the College Services fee (comprised of Academic Support, Career Services, Student Achievement and Records) is non-refundable; supplies may be fully refunded or prorated depending on course.
A seminar/workshop is a course usually 5 days or less in duration and/or as otherwise identified in the calendar and online. Refunds for seminars/workshops, unless otherwise stated, must be applied for 5 full working days before the seminar start date. No refund will be issued after this deadline. For workshops beginning on a weekend (Saturday/Sunday), application for a refund must be received no later than the end of the business day on the Friday ONE WEEK before the seminar/workshop. (Example: The workshop is scheduled on September 14 beginning at 8:30 a.m. The application for a refund must be received at the College no later than 4:30 p.m. on September 6.)
Corporate Training:
The above refund policy does not apply to courses offered through Corporate Training. Please contact
Examination Information
You have until the end date of your course(s) to write your exam, online or otherwise, unless an exam date has been set by the instructor. In such instances, Cambrian will adhere to the specified exam deadline.
You will have the option of writing your exam in the Testing Centre at Cambrian College within the scheduled hours or of writing it off-campus under the supervision of an approved invigilator. Permission to write exams off-campus will be granted to those individuals for whom travel is difficult or to those individuals who live outside of the Region of Sudbury. If you are within the Greater Sudbury area, you should write your exams at the Barry Downe campus. Please contact to schedule the test.
Students will be required to provide a completed Off Campus Examination Agreement (PDF) for permission to undertake exams off-campus.
If you are not a registered Cambrian College student, please contact to arrange a test time.
For OntarioLearn courses, academic policies as stated by Cambrian College will take precedence over any policies stated by host colleges.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she has confirmed with the instructor the length of the exam as well as the format. Students must complete the exam within the time frames stated for the Testing Centre. Students will not be allowed to leave the Testing Centre and return to continue with the exam.
Students must bring some form of photo identification. The instructor may be referred to (prior to the exam) for details concerning the duration of the exam and the course content covered in exam.
Our Testing Centre can accommodate only certain software. Please confirm with the Continuing Education office that “practical” exams can be completed in this facility. Alternative arrangements (i.e., off-campus invigilation) will be made should the appropriate software not be available in our Testing Centre.
Online Exams
For some of the web delivery courses, the final exam may be taken online. In these instances, the student has one of two options, both of which require supervision.
The first option is to complete the exam in our Testing Centre at the College during the stated Testing Centre hours. The second option enables the student to complete the exam off-campus provided an appropriate invigilator has agreed to supervise the exam. Please refer to the following section for details.
Out of town
Students who, for reasons of distance, cannot access the Testing Centre at Cambrian’s Barry Downe campus must provide the name of an invigilator (such as a teacher, supervisor, clergy, etc. who is not a relative or personal friend) to supervise the writing of the test(s).
Students may write course exams at another college. If this is your intention, please advise so we can send you the “Exam Request Form”. The form will provide the college with basic information so we can ensure the exam is there and ready for you to write. You must abide by the scheduling hours and rules of the Testing Centre where you are writing. Photo Identification is typically required.
Paper Based Exams
Following College approval of the designated invigilator, exam papers will be sent to the location designated on the enclosed Invigilation Agreement. It is the invigilator’s responsibility to return the exam(s) immediately for marking, in the envelope(s) provided.
Online Exams
Following College approval of the designated invigilator, the student and the invigilator must set a time, date and place for the exam (keeping in mind instructor set deadlines). The invigilator will be required to send the Continuing Education office an email confirming his/her presence during the exam and attest to the completion of such.
Note: Any fees resulting from off-campus exams are the responsibility of the student and not the college.
Please complete the attached information sheet and return to:
Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology
1400 Barry Downe Road
Sudbury, ON
P3A 3V8
Contact information
Pleas note: The Enrolment Centre has switched to QLess, a call back system. To schedule your Call Back dial 705-410-5583 and TEXT Cambrian.
To find out more information on QLESS, our Call Back Service features or alternative methods to contact us, follow the link below.
For general inquiries and exam inquiries please contact the following:
For registrations or for questions about employers sponsoring employees, please contact:
For questions about Academic and Career Entrance (ACE), please contact:
For corporate training, please contact:
For the Service Desk, please contact: