Key Details
Program Start Dates
September 2025
January 2026
Please visit Ontario College Application Service to learn more about start dates.
Ontario College Advanced Diploma
Program Duration
7 Semesters / 3 YearsProgram Contacts

Program Coordinator / Professor
Program Overview

Embark on a journey of pioneering science and innovation, where global opportunities await
Immerse yourself in a world of discovery in the only program of its kind in Ontario that emphasizes mineral processing, pyrometallurgy, and water and wastewater treatment industries. At our cutting-edge facility, you’ll receive comprehensive training beyond textbooks. You’ll learn to champion chemistry by diving into analytical and organic chemistry, process control, instrumental analysis, mineral processing, pyrometallurgy, environmental sampling, and water/wastewater treatment. You’ll also learn to uphold rigorous quality standards and safety protocols, shaping the future of laboratory research and production facilities.
Rise to supervisory or managerial roles, mastering technical documentation, quality control, and troubleshooting. Our program will equip you with the technical expertise needed to excel in the field and the essential communication, teamwork, leadership, and technology skills crucial for success in the laboratory and engineering industries.
Grads are prepared to work in mineral processing, geochemistry, nuclear, petroleum, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, oil and gas, and food and beverage industries. Operate at the crossroads of discovery and progress, setting up experiments, analyzing data, and maintaining cutting-edge laboratory equipment.
Program Highlights
Program highlights
- Two paid co-ops allow you to enhance your real-world skills and connections in the industry
- Common first and second year with Cambrian’s Chemical Engineering Technician program
- Quality control practices are embedded throughout the program, ensuring you’re well-prepared for roles in chemical engineering and related fields
- Gain practical experience through group work and independent studies, learning industry-standard practices in areas such as physical, analytical, organic, and pyro-chemistry
- Grads are eligible to join the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) and the Canadian Technical Employment Network (CTEN)
- Unique program in Ontario that focuses on mineral processing, pyrometallurgy, and water/wastewater
Admission requirements
For graduates of the new curriculum (OSS): Ontario Secondary School Diploma (30 credits) or equivalent or mature student status, including:
- Any grade 12 English (C) or (U)
- Any grade 12 mathematics (C) or (U) (MCT4C) is highly recommended)
- Any grade 11 chemistry (U) or grade 12 chemistry (C) or (U)
International Student Admissions
Are you an international student? Learn more about additional requirements.
Learn moreAdditional admission requirements
- Any grade 12 physics (C) or (U)

Academic Upgrading
Are you missing admission requirements? Strengthen your academic skills for free at your own pace through Academic Upgrading!
Program delivery
Program delivery
Fall term start
- Semester 1: Fall 2025
- Semester 2: Winter 2026
- Semester 3: Fall 2026
- Semester 4: Winter 2027
- Semester 5: Spring 2027
- Semester 6: Fall 2027
- Semester 7: Winter 2028
Winter term start
- Semester 1: Winter 2026
- Semester 2: Spring 2026
- Semester 3: Fall 2026
- Semester 4: Winter 2027
- Semester 5: Spring 2027
- Semester 6: Fall 2027
- Semester 7: Winter 2028
Program of Study
Program of study for 2025-26 Academic Year
Students are required to successfully complete an online Lab Safety course (in Moodle) when starting their program at Cambrian. This course must be completed prior to entering the labs (as identified in the table below) in the Schools of Skills Training, Engineering Technology and Environmental Studies.
Semester 1 | Credits | ||
MTH 1050 | Algebra I | 3 | in this course, students will apply basic mathematics to the solution of problems involving physics and engineering technology to classify real numbers into rational and irrational and to simplify binomials, trinomials, and polynomials. They will solve right angle triangles using trigonometric functions and resolve vectors into components. Students will calculate areas and volumes of different shapes using geometry rules and interpret word problems to represent systems of equations. They will compose and solve systems of equations using different techniques. |
QUA 1002 | Quality Assurance and Quality Control | 3 | in this course, students will study current quality assurance practices used by the chemical industry. Topics include ISO guidelines, good laboratory/manufacturing practices, laboratory quality control, measurement uncertainty; laboratory proficiency; method validation, and accreditation. |
CHM 1160 | Occupational Health and Safety | 3 | in this course, students will explore the field of occupational health and safety and issues related to workplace wellness. Study relevant sections of the Act and relate the Act and Regulations to situations specific to work done by chemical technicians and technologists. Identify physical and mental hazards in the workplace and recognize the importance of striving for a work/life balance. Perform workplace inspections, learn their relevance, and gain awareness of the Act and student/worker rights and responsibilities outlined by the Act before their first placement. |
CHM 1161 | Introduction to Sampling Techniques | 3 | in this course, students will develop their hands-on skills in mapping, recording relevant field observations, and collecting soil, water, and air samples. Students will learn how to take these field samples and perform necessary steps in preparation for analytical and instrumental study to determine the trace chemicals present. The need for good documentation and sample tracking will be explored, as will concepts surrounding and maintaining sample quality and integrity. |
CHM 1162 | Chemistry I | 3 | in this course, students will learn the chemical classification of matter as well as an introduction to atomic theory, ionic and covalent bonding, electrolytes, and solutions. Students will also learn about the main group and transition elements. Students will write and balance chemical formulae and equations, as well as perform calculations in stoichiometry and solution chemistry, including pH. |
CHM 1163 | Chemistry I Lab | 3 | in this course, students will learn laboratory safety and the proper use of lab equipment and glassware. Students will perform experiments supporting the theory they learn in CHM 1162, including experiments involving stoichiometry, solutions, acids, and bases. |
ENG 1002 | College Communications | 3 | in this course, students will acquire foundational knowledge and practical skills essential for effective communication across various contexts. The course will enhance students’ communication abilities, encouraging them to think critically about the quality of secondary research sources and uphold academic integrity. The course content will meet the specific needs of various programs, aligning with professional fields of practice. Notably, there is no required textbook; instead, students are encouraged to approach the course with a willingness to learn and think critically. |
Credits | 21 | ||
Semester 2 | |||
MTH 1250 | Algebra II | 3 | in this course, students will build on their mathematical skills to solve oblique triangles and vectors using trigonometric functions such as sine and cosine. They will apply algebraic laws to solve problems involving radicals and logarithms. Students will solve quadratic equations using a variety of algebraic techniques. They will develop the skills of interpreting, formulating, and solving word problems in various real-world and engineering technology applications. |
CHM 1280 | Physical Chemistry | 3 | in this course, students will study the core concepts of physical chemistry, including states of matter, gas laws, heat transfer, and thermodynamics, emphasizing their practical applications. Explore and differentiate the behaviour of ideal and non-ideal solutions. |
CHM 1281 | Physical Chemistry Lab | 3 | in this course, students will learn laboratory safety and the proper use of lab equipment and glassware. Explore the core concepts of physical chemistry, such as gas laws, heat transfer, and thermodynamics, emphasizing their practical applications. Perform experiments supporting the theory they learn in CHM 1280. |
CHM 1282 | Chemistry II | 3 | in this course, students will will be introduced to atomic structure and associated line spectra. Students will study equilibria qualitatively and quantitatively concerning acids, bases, and minerals. Colligative solution properties and reaction kinetics will also be investigated. Molecular structure will be examined, including covalent bond hybridization. This course will provide students with several critical concepts that will be utilized in upper-level chemistry courses. |
CHM 1283 | Chemistry II Lab | 3 | in this course, students will continue to learn laboratory safety and proper use of more advanced laboratory equipment and glassware. Students will engage in experiments supporting the theory taught in Chemistry II (CHM1282), emphasizing commercial product analysis, the chemical equilibria of acids and bases, colligative properties, intermolecular forces, and kinetics. |
CHM 1284 | QA QC Data Analysis | 3 | in this course, students will learn the essential elements required for a good laboratory quality program and what is needed to implement a QA/QC program system compliant with ISO standards. Study QA/QC procedures in each phase of data production, from preparation and sample collection through receipt of a final report to reduce or eliminate errors in the process. |
ENG 1754 | Technical Communication | 3 | in this course, students will develop their technical communication skills by preparing reports, letters, memos, email messages, and presentations. Students will also complete a résumé and application letter to assist them with their employment search and create a workplace plan to foster thoughtful professional development. |
One General Education Course 2 | 3 | ||
Credits | 24 | ||
Semester 3 | |||
CHM 1109 | Mineral Processing 1 | 4 | in this course, students will learn how minerals are processed and concentrated. Students will study the basic unit operations that pertain to comminution, beneficiation and de-watering as they apply to typical industrial processes. The pertinent chemical and physical interactions involved in the processes as well as industrial control strategies will be covered. Students will discuss the associated health, safety, and environmental issues and may visit plants to enhance their understanding. As part of the course, students will perform illustrative laboratory work. |
CHM 1300 | Analytical Chemistry I | 3 | in this course, students will study the theory behind gravimetric and volumetric analytical procedures. Students will review pH calculations and work problems related to these procedures. The implications of pH in analytical analysis will be studied. Experimental concepts and calculations relating to wet analytical techniques -- specifically gravimetric, volumetric, and acid/base titrimetric analyses -- will be studied and practised. Students will be exposed to proper reporting units for various analytes, and will be expected to report results in a manner consistent with industrial practices. Precision and accuracy of analytical values along with the propagation of error will be emphasized, and concepts of quality control and quality analysis will be covered. |
CHM 1301 | Analytical Chemistry I Lab | 3 | in this course, students will employ various analytical techniques within a laboratory environment. This lab course will involve wet chemical techniques utilizing gravimetric and volumetric analytical procedures. Students will work with acids, bases and buffers in order to have chemical environments in which the desired chemical reactions can occur. Students will be exposed to proper reporting units for various analytes, and will be expected to report results in a manner consistent with industrial practices. Precision and accuracy of analytical values will be emphasized, and concepts of quality control and quality assurance along with statistical analysis will be covered. |
CHM 1302 | Instrumental Analysis I | 3 | in this course, students will be exposed to various instruments used in chemical analyses. This course will focus primarily on instrumentation used for the identification, characterization and/or quantification of analytes that are inorganic in nature. Students will study sampling and preparation techniques for suitable analysis of materials obtained from process systems or from environmental settings. Students will utilize the instruments to determine qualitative characteristics of the materials in samples as well as quantitative values relating to concentrations of analytes where appropriate in samples. Quality control considerations will be emphasized. Students will maintain control charts for certain instrumental analyses, and will include Quality Assurance samples within their sample queues. Quality Assurance/Quality Control will also be incorporated by having the student establish a series of double blind tests. |
CHM 1303 | Instrumental Analysis I Lab | 3 | in this course, students will be exposed to various instruments used in chemical analyses. This course allows the students opportunities to work with the instruments and techniques that are covered in the Instrumental Analysis I Theory course. Learning will involve student analysis of samples using the chemical instruments present within our laboratories. Students will employ sampling and preparation techniques for suitable analysis of materials obtained from process systems or from environmental settings. Students will learn to utilize the instruments to determine qualitative characteristics of the materials in samples as well as quantitative values relating to concentrations of analytes where appropriate in samples. Students will maintain control charts for certain instrumental analyses, and will include Quality Assurance samples within their sample queues. Quality Assurance/Quality Control will also be incorporated by having the student establish a series of double blind tests. |
WTR 2300 | Water Treatment 1 | 3 | in this course, students will examine the concepts and practices of modern potable water treatment systems. The curriculum follows the structure in use for the preliminary certification for water treatment operators. The course is based upon the Entry Level Certification course, and serves as a solid basis for pursuing work in the water treatment industry. |
One General Education Course. 2 | 3 | ||
Credits | 22 | ||
Semester 4 | |||
CHM 1420 | Organic Chemistry | 3 | in this course, students will learn Organic Chemistry theory beginning with the structure and bonding of elements found in organic compounds, followed by an introduction to the main functional groups. Nomenclature, stereochemistry, physical properties (including infrared spectral properties), chemical reactions and syntheses, and uses are then investigated for alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, aromatics, alcohols, and phenols. |
CHM 1421 | Organic Chemistry Lab | 3 | in this course, students will explore techniques such as filtration, crystallization, extraction, and distillation (including simple, fractional, and steam distillation). They will also conduct experiments to measure the physical properties of organic compounds (such as melting points, refractive indices, and infrared spectra). Additionally, students will perform synthetic reactions that illustrate concepts covered in the theory, all while learning about the toxicology of organic compounds and safe handling practices in the laboratory. |
CHM 1422 | Analytical Chemistry II | 3 | in this course, students will examine the theory behind various analytical procedures. Emphasis will be placed upon electrochemical means of analysis. |
CHM 1423 | Analytical Chemistry II Lab | 3 | in this course, students will conduct laboratory experiments to develop hands-on experience with redox reactions, electrochemistry and electrochemical methods of analysis. |
CHM 1424 | Instrumental Analysis II | 3 | in this course, students will focus on instruments not covered in Chemical Instrumentation I. Students will learn the theory behind the operation of chemical instruments for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical species. Students will learn how to interpret spectrographs from the instruments and use the information to determine information about the analyte such as structure and functional groups. Emphasis will be on the analysis of organic chemicals. |
CHM 1425 | Instrumental Analysis II Lab | 3 | in this course, students will work with the instruments covered in the theory class. Students will learn how to prepare samples for the instruments, and will then analyze the samples. Students will utilize the instruments to determine qualitative characteristics of the materials in samples as well as quantitative values of analytes where appropriate. Emphasis will be on the analysis of organic chemicals. |
CHM 1426 | Pyrochemistry | 4 | in this course, students will be exposed to general concepts regarding the effect of elevated temperature on reaction rates and the types of reactions that are possible. Students will work with molten metal for extraction of metals from ores, and also for the synthesis of alloys from simpler metals. Students will learn about the physical and chemical aspects of the smelting process used as a part of metal purification. |
One General Education Course 2 | 3 | ||
Credits | 25 | ||
Semester 5 | |||
CHM 2500 | Co-op Work Placement and Report | 12 | in this course, students will apply the material learned in the academic environment to actual work situations. As the first of two placement opportunities, this course gives students their first exposure to applying their acquired skills in a workplace as opposed to an academic setting. Students are encouraged to bring back questions and relevant experiences to the classrooms for the next academic semester. While out on placement, the students have an opportunity to network with other professionals and can benefit from the expertise of these professionals. The scope of the placements ranges from laboratory work to process control situations. The work placements are considered to be an off campus activity. Students must have successfully completed all courses up to and including those in semester 2 to qualify to be enrolled in this cooperative work placement. |
Credits | 12 | ||
Semester 6 | |||
CHM 3653 | Inorganic Chemistry 1 | 3 | in this course, students will engage in a systematic study of the elements and the trends in their properties in the light of modern chemical theory. Emphasis will be placed on nuclear chemistry, solid-state chemistry, and the coordination chemistry of the transition elements. Some general aspects of organometallic chemistry may be introduced. |
CHM 1600 | Unit Operations and Calculations | 4 | in this course, students will delve into the fundamental concepts of chemical engineering operations. They will enhance their problem-solving skills by analyzing and solving practical problems mathematically. The emphasis will be on writing material balances, understanding equipment operation, and interpreting process data. The course will also explore advanced unit operations in chemical engineering. Topics include outlining procedures for calculating material and energy balances on individual and multiple-unit processes. Students will also learn how to apply various physical properties and laws of matter to formulate advanced material balances. Furthermore, studying heat transfer mechanisms will be essential for designing and operating heat transfer equipment in chemical processes. |
CHM 1601 | Industrial Organic Chemistry | 3 | in this course, students will explore the major reactions involving alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, and amines. They will learn the intricacies of these organic transformations. Additionally, students will apply this knowledge to investigate the synthetic chemistry behind several essential processes used in various industries. These applications span diverse fields, including fermentation (think of brewing and biofuel production), polymer synthesis, ester formation, pharmaceutical development, and petrochemical manufacturing. |
CHM 1602 | Industrial Organic Chemistry Lab | 3 | in this course, students will gain hands-on experience with various organic synthesis techniques, purification methods, and spectroscopic analysis. The course emphasizes safety, precision, and critical thinking in the laboratory setting. Topics covered include functional group transformations, extraction, distillation, chromatography, and spectroscopy. |
TEC 3603 | Capstone Project | 3 | in this course, students will complete a formal engineering technical report based on primary and secondary research. Students will also describe their technical project in an oral presentation. The technical report must include sufficient technical content to demonstrate a level of knowledge expected of engineering technology students. The report must also meet the standards set by Technology Accreditation Canada and OACETT. |
INT 1500 | Lab and Process Automation | 4 | in this course, students will study how processes are measured and controlled throughout industry. The study of the fundamentals of process measurement will include pressure, level, temperature, flow along with various other variables including analyzers. Students will also study the fundamentals of process control including ON / OFF, and Proportional Control. With the ever changing product availability and accuracy of process measurement instruments, students will be introduced to a wide variety of devices currently used throughout today's industries. A lab component of the course will use Simtronics process simulation software for students to better visualize how processes are measured and controlled. |
MTH 2332 | Applied Calculus | 3 | in this course, students will apply concepts of differentiation to algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. They will investigate basic concepts including limits, delta method, Product and Quotient rules, Newton's method, related rates, and optimization. Students will calculate definite and indefinite integrals using concepts of integration and find approximate and exact areas under a curve. They will apply concepts of integral calculus to real world problems in engineering technology to find length of arcs, volume of curved objects, centroids of 2D and 3D models, and second moment of area. |
Credits | 23 | ||
Semester 7 | |||
CHM 3700 | Co-op Work Placement and Report II | 12 | in this course, students will apply the material learned in the academic environment to actual work situations. The students will have an opportunity to utilize all of the theoretical and hands-on learning material in the learning environment up to this point in an actual laboratory or industrial setting. This experience will help the students gain valuable experience in the chemical industry and allow them to network with associated professionals. Placement duties may involve wet laboratory work, process control, and research and development. |
Credits | 12 | ||
Total Credits | 139 |
- 1
Course with Lab Component
- 2
For more information regarding General Education courses, click here.
Tuition Cost
Important Notice
Fees presented are estimates based on projections for future academic year(s) of study. Actual fees charged may differ from what is published here. A full detailed listing of all fees is available in myCambrian and updated annually no later than May 1 for the following academic year. Students in Academic Upgrading are responsible for any fees listed on their invoice each term.
Tuition and ancillary fees
Please see our fees page for the breakdown of tuition and mandatory ancillary fees by program and semester for both domestic and international students.
Books and supplies
Books and supplies may be required at the course level over and above what is estimated above. Please consult your professor/instructor for further information.

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Whether it’s fear, financial reasons, or something else that is impacting your decision to start school, we’re here to listen to you and help in any way we can!
Work-integrated learning (WIL)
Take your education beyond the classroom!
Cambrian programs blend academic learning, hands-on training, and community involvement opportunities to help you achieve your ultimate goal – your dream career. You’ll have the opportunity to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios within and outside of the classroom through work-integrated learning. Whether it be a capstone project, co-op, practicum, preceptorship component, or placement, you’ll benefit from a practical, job-related experience before you graduate.
Learn more about previous opportunities in this program!
Department of National Defence (DND) – During this Chemical Engineering co-op the key responsibilities were:
- Providing recommendations and decisions on the procurement of goods and services
- Identifying, reviewing, and validating client requirements
- Researching new technologies that meet client requirements
- Liaising with stakeholders, including colleagues, operational staff, supply officers, procurement officers, industry, technicians and management
- Preparing technical documentation such as specifications, work procedures, test plans, reports
- Utilizing project management principles
- Applying systems and integration engineering principles
- Attending and critiquing industry-lead design reviews
- Managing and supporting material throughout its entire life cycle, including definition, development, production, operation, maintenance, and disposal
Actlabs – During this Microbiology Laboratory Technician co-op, the students were responsible for assigned testing and sample preparation for routine lab samples primarily in the microbiology department.
The students:
- Provided hands-on bench-top analysis for customer samples with emphasis on microbiology and molecular biology techniques
- Established and managed day-to-day tasks
- Assisted in the preparation of media and buffers
- Ensured all tools are cleaned and sterilized for daily operational use
- Identified bottlenecks and assisted in streamlining operations
- Worked in accordance with company policies/regulations including health and safety policies
- Ensured analysis is performed without delay.
Note: Co-ops are mandatory for this program.
Field of Study
School of Engineering Technology
Imagine a career in a cutting-edge laboratory or inside a mine 5,000 feet below the ground or on-site constructing a skyscraper. At Cambrian, learning isn’t confined to textbooks. From chemical and civil engineering to mechatronics, mechanical, and more, at our School of Engineering Technology, you’ll gain the skills you need to bring a wide range of engineering theories to life.
Specific program pathways
College or university degree opportunities
There are opportunities for graduates to pursue further educational or professional qualifications, and degree completion. Refer to Cambrian’s college and university agreement details for further information.
Career Outcomes

Need a career coach?
Explore how this program can lead to a great career! Cambrian’s Career Coach platform is a user-friendly, online tool that provides up-to-date and comprehensive labour market data to help you explore career options, salary expectations for the Greater Sudbury region, and more!

See where you'll be learning!
Minimum technology requirements
Success in this program requires that you come equipped with some program-specific technology requirements.
Minimum technology requirements
- Regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection
- Webcam and headset
- Personal computer
- Windows 8, 8.1, or 10 operating system
- Web browser: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 10 or higher
- Apple Mac
- OS X operating system
- Web browser: Firefox or Safari
System requirements for assistive technology
To access the widest range of assistive technology (AT), a Windows-based computer is recommended.
- Recommended OS: Windows 10 or newer
- Recommended CPU: Intel or AMD multicore processor
- Recommended RAM: 8 GB
- Recommended storage for assistive technology: 8 GB of available hard drive of solid state drive space (please note this is not the total drive size and refers specifically to available space needed for assistive technology)
- Recommended audio: Speakers or headphones for text-to-speech and microphone for speech input.
While Apple computers can provide many AT options, some specialized software may not be available/compatible with this platform. Please consult with the Glenn Crombie Centre for further details.
Bring your own device (BYOD)
Cambrian College has implemented a BYOD principle to both enrich the student learning experience in and out of the classroom and to ensure flexibility!

Ready to take the first step?
Start gaining the highest level of skills at Cambrian now – and you’ll be ready to take advantage of the many career opportunities waiting for you just around the corner. The future is yours!
Have Questions? We are here to help.
If you have any questions about programs, funding, OSAP, deadlines, student services, or anything else, reach out to our support team and we are happy to help!
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