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Support of Community Initiatives Events Operating Procedure

Support for Community Initiatives and Events Operating Procedure

Approval Date: Nov 6, 2023
Replaces: None


To ensure that sponsorship and community support decisions are consistent with the vision, values, and strategic priorities of Cambrian College (‘the College’).


All sponsorship and community support commitments made by the College to external parties for community initiatives and community events (‘community initiatives and events’).


Community Event: A planned occasion that is sponsored by public or private agencies or individuals that bring people together for a shared interest or purpose.

Community Initiative: A network of individuals, partner organizations, or important acts, dedicated to improving the health and welfare of a community.

Community Support: Supporting and encouraging participation in community initiatives through various mechanisms.

Sponsorship: Providing support via a gift or donation for a project or activity.


Approval Authority Framework

Approval AuthorityAmount*
Senior Team$2,500 and above
Individual Senior Team MembersBelow $2,500
Dean or DirectorBelow $1,000

*financial values are subject to unscheduled change

Operating Procedure

Requesting Approval

  1. The Approval Authority Framework outlines the approval authorities for requests of community support.
  2. Requests from staff members must be submitted to their direct supervisor in writing. Requests should outline details of the community initiative or event, the value of the request, and how it aligns with the College’s strategic plan.
  3. Deans and Directors must inform their respective Vice President (VP) or Executive Director (ED) via email of the support to ensure there is no duplication.
  4. Individual Senior Team members must inform each other of support approved to ensure there is no duplication of efforts and to encourage awareness of community support.
  5. The approver communicates their decision to the requestor.
  6. The requestor or designate then communicates the decision to the community initiative or event organizer.

Fulfilling Support Obligation Once Approved

  1. The requestor or designate confirms support of community initiative/event and receives commitments and benefits in writing.
  2. The requestor or designate informs Marketing Manager of the support and communicates what marketing collateral will be required.
  3. Marketing Manager approves use of College name, logo and any other marketing materials that are required.
  4. Requestor informs Communication Manager of community event/initiative to ensure it is communicated to all staff for information.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Senior Team is responsible for:

  • Ensuring College compliance with this Policy
  • Receiving and considering requests for community support and/or sponsorship

Dean or Director is responsible for:

  • Carrying out any authorities and assigned tasks in accordance with this Policy and accompanying Procedure

Marketing Manager is responsible for:

  • Providing and approving marketing materials in support of approved community support and/or sponsorships

Staff and Faculty are responsible for:

  • Being aware of this policy and adhering to the Support for Community Initiatives and Events Operating Procedure

Supporting Documents
