Support of Community Initiatives and Events Policy
Support of Community Initiatives and Events Policy
Policy Type: Corporate
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Alumni, Development and Office of the President
Approval Date: Nov 6, 2023
Replaces: Version 2019
To ensure that sponsorship and community support decisions are consistent with the vision, values, and strategic priorities of Cambrian College (the ‘College’).
All sponsorship and community support commitments made by the College to external parties for community initiatives and community events (‘community initiatives and events’).
Community Event: A planned occasion that is sponsored by public or private agencies or individuals that bring people together for a shared interest or purpose.
Community Initiative: A network of individuals, partner organizations, or important acts, dedicated to improving the health and welfare of a community.
Community Support: Supporting and encouraging participation in community initiatives through various mechanisms.
Sponsorship: Providing support via a gift or donation for a project or activity.
Policy Statements
The College, a publicly assisted post-secondary institution, proudly supports community initiatives and events through various mechanisms.
- College-sponsored community initiatives and events must support/align with:
- The College’s role as a leading educator
- The College’s role as an economic driver
- The College’s strategic plan, including marketing, advocacy, philanthropic and recruitment objectives
- The College supports community initiatives and events through the following mechanisms:
- Advertisements (includes publications, banners, websites and other media)
- Sponsorship of awards named for and/or acknowledged as Cambrian College
- Purchase of tickets for College participation
- Prizes/giveaways
- Staff participation
- The terms of all sponsorships and community support must be in writing, include conditions of the arrangement, and be for a fixed term.
- Requests for community support and/or sponsorship are subject to the following levels of approval as set out in the table below.
Authority Authority | Amount* |
Senior Team | $2,500 and above |
Individual Senior Team Members | Below $2,500 |
Dean or Director | Below $1,000 |
*financial values are subject to unscheduled change
Responsibilities and Accountability
Senior Team is responsible for:
- Ensuring College compliance with this Policy
- Receiving and considering requests for community support and/or sponsorship
Dean or Director is responsible for:
- Carrying out any authorities and assigned tasks in accordance with this Policy and accompanying Procedure
Marketing Manager is responsible for:
- Providing and approving marketing materials in support of approved community support and/or sponsorships
Staff and Faculty are responsible for:
- Being aware of this policy and adhering to the Support for Community Initiatives and Events Operating Procedure