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New Program Development and Approval Policy

New Program Development and Approval Policy

Approval Date: May 5, 2021
Effective Date: May 5, 2021
Date Reviewed: March 2021
Replaces: Version 2020


To provide a formal framework to support the development and approval of new, relevant academic Programs of Instruction that reflect emerging workplace or societal needs; are congruent with Cambrian’s (‘the College’) mission and strategic directions; provide opportunities for further learning; and are sustainable.


This policy defines and supports a development process leading to the creation of a Program of Instruction and applies to all proposed Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), Credential Validations, Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB) and College-approved credentials, and any previously approved Program of Instruction that has not had any intake enrolment for five or more consecutive years.


Program of Instruction: a group of related courses typically leading to a diploma, certificate or other credential (funded or non-funded) awarded by the College.

Ministry Program Standards: the published provincial standards for a postsecondary program, which includes the following components:

  • Vocational standards – the career-specific learning outcomes which apply to the program in question, including the elements of performance;
  • Essential Employability Skills standards – general learning outcomes in areas such as written and verbal communications, math, computer literacy, teamwork and decision-making which apply to all programs of similar length;
  • General Education standards – the requirement for a variety of general education courses to broaden the scope of career-oriented college programs and benefit students in terms of personal growth and enrichment, informed citizenship and working life.

Degree Program Quality Review Standards: the standards, as defined by the Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF), that identify the knowledge and skills expected of graduates of bachelor’s, honours bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in Ontario.

Senior Team: For the purpose of this policy, means the President and any Vice President, Associate Vice President and Executive Director.

Policy Statements

  1. The development of new Programs of Instruction arises in response to an identified labour market demand, emerging technologies, and/or changing industry or societal needs.
  2. Proposals for program development shall:
    1. Align with the College’s:
      1. Strategic Plan;
      2. Strategic Mandate Agreement;
      3. Program Development Framework;
      4. Strategic Enrolment Management Framework;
    2. Adhere to all applicable requirements of MCU policy directives and/or PEQAB Degree Program Quality Review Standards, structure and benchmarks.
    3. Be in accordance, where appropriate, with relevant accreditation and/or industry standards/certifications.
    4. Comply with the College’s standards and requirements for Programs of Instruction.
    5. Be supported by an evidence-based decision process.
    6. Be supported by industry and/or a relevant Program Advisory Committee, either permanent or ad hoc.
    7. Be consultative and collaborative, inclusive of all relevant internal and external stakeholders.
    8. Reflect best practices in adult education and training.
    9. Demonstrate fiscal sustainability by the third consecutive enrolment intake.
  1. New program curriculum must be developed with the advice of industry and/or a relevant Program Advisory Committee, either permanent or ad hoc.
  2. New program curriculum must ensure the realization of the following where applicable –
    1. Ministry Program Standards: Vocational or program vocational learning outcomes
    2. General Education
    3. Essential Employability Skills
    4. PEQAB Degree Program Quality Review Standards and associated elements
  3. The process for the review and approval of new Programs of Instruction is transparent and inclusive of the different stakeholder perspectives – faculty, academic administration, students, graduates (where applicable), and community and industry partners.
  4. The New Program Development and Approval Operating Procedure outlines the full development and approval process.
  5. The Strategic Enrolment Management Committee reviews and approves the program plan of development and the operating procedure for new program development and approval on an annual basis.
  6. Senior Team reviews and endorses all Programs of Instruction of the College.
  7. The Board of Governors reviews and approves Programs of Instruction pursuant to the College’s New Programs of Instruction Framework.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Vice President, Academic is responsible for:

  • Ensuring implementation and compliance of the New Program Development and Approval Policy.

Planning, Institutional Research and Quality is responsible for:

  • Facilitating and managing new program development and approval and curriculum development processes.

Deans/Chairs are responsible for:

  • Being familiar with the requirements of this policy.
  • Ensuring the policy requirements are clearly communicated to their staff.
  • Ensuring full compliance with the requirements of this policy.
  • Supporting full participation of their faculty and staff in the development of curriculum in accordance with the requirements of this policy.

The Strategic Enrolment Management Committee is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and making recommendations related to the processes guiding new program development and approval.

Office of the Registrar is responsible for:

  • Working with Planning, Institutional Research and Quality and Deans/Chairs in support of the development of curriculum in alignment with the requirements of this policy.
  • Managing the official curricular records.

Faculty are responsible for:

  • Being familiar and complying with the requirements of this policy and related procedures.
  • Participating in the development of curriculum as required.


Curriculum Development Operating Procedure

New Program Development and Approval Operating Procedure


Admissions Criteria, Minister’s Binding Policy Directive (MCU)

College Quality Assurance Audit Process (CQAAP)

Framework for Programs of Instruction, Minister’s Binding Policy Directive (MCU)

Funding Approval of Programs of Instruction, Minister’s Binding Policy Directive (MCU)

Governance and Accountability Framework, Minister’s Binding Policy Directive (MCU)

Manual for Ontario Colleges. The Post-Secondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB) 2020

Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 8, Sched. F

Ontario Qualifications Framework (MCU)

Post-Secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000

Program Development Framework

Strategic Enrolment Management Framework