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New Program Development and Approval Policy

New Program Development and Approval Policy

Policy Type: Academic
Policy Owner: Vice President, Academic
Approval Date: November 27, 2024
Replaces: Version 2021
Initial Date of Issue: November 12, 2014
Corresponding Procedure: New Program Development and Approval Operating Procedure

New Program Development and Approval Policy


To ensure the development of new academic programs align with Cambrian’s strategic priorities, ministry, regulatory and quality assurance standards, address the current and anticipated needs of student’s industry, employers and the broader community, and are sustainable.


This policy applies to new programs of instruction and all proposed Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), Credential Validations, Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB), local college credentials, and the re-instatement of previously approved programs of instruction that have been formally suspended or cancelled with MCU. Existing Cambrian programs with an intake suspension of three or more years must adhere to the requirements set out in the Program Modifications Operating Procedure for re-instatement.


Intake Suspension: Refers to the suspension of a specific intake cycle (e.g. fall) for the program at a specific site. The program is expected to remain as part of Cambrian’s active program mix. An intake suspension does not necessarily impact intakes at different locations, modes, or cycles.

Local College Credential: A certificate that is approved by Cambrian’s Board of Governors or Senior Team for delivery at Cambrian.

Program of Instruction: A group of related courses leading to a diploma, certificate or other credential awarded by the Board of Governors.

Program Suspension: A program that the College has decided not to admit its first year or beginning level of students, and for which it will develop a transition plan to teach out those students currently registered in the program.

Policy Statements

  1. New programs are developed in response to an identified labour market demand, emerging technologies, and/or changing industry or societal needs.
  2. All new programs of instruction shall:
    1. Align with the College’s:
      1. Strategic Plan;
      2. Strategic Mandate Agreement;
      3. Program Development Framework; and/or
      4. Strategic Enrolment Management Framework.
    2. Adhere to all applicable requirements of MCU policy directives and/or PEQAB degree program quality review standards, structure and benchmarks.
    3. Be in accordance, where appropriate, with relevant accreditation and/or industry standards/certifications.
    4. Be supported by an evidence-based and data-informed decision process.
    5. Be supported by industry and/or a relevant Program Advisory Committee, either permanent or ad hoc prior to submission for approval.
    6. Be consultative and collaborative, inclusive of all relevant internal and external parties.
    7. Reflect best practices in adult education and training.
    8. Demonstrate fiscal sustainability based on enrolment projections.
  1. The Board of Governors approves new programs of instruction as per the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive, Framework for Programs of Instruction.
  2. The approval of local college credentials will follow a modified process outlined in the New Program and Approval Operating Procedure.
  3. New programs of instruction will only be implemented after receipt of all internal and external approvals.
  4. Programs that have been formally suspended or cancelled with the MCU will be considered a new program and must adhere to the requirements of this policy and associated procedure for re-instatement.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Vice President, Academic is responsible for:

  • Overseeing the development, review, implementation and compliance of this policy and associated procedures.
  • Ensuring the overall quality and integrity of academic programs.

Planning, Institutional Research and Quality is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and updating the policy and associated procedures and communicating changes.
  • Facilitating the new program development and approval process and providing guidance and support.
  • Monitoring compliance and ensuring new programs are developed in accordance with ministry requirements.

Deans/Chairs are responsible for:

  • Complying with the requirements of this policy.
  • Ensuring the policy requirements are clearly communicated to their staff.
  • Supporting full participation of their faculty and staff in the development of curriculum in accordance with the requirements of this policy.

Office of the Registrar is responsible for:

  • Managing the official curricular and program records.

Faculty is responsible for:

  • Complying with the requirements of this policy and related procedures.
  • Participating in the development of curriculum as required.