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Academic Program Suspension and Cancellation Policy

Academic Program Suspension and Cancellation Policy

Policy Type: Academic
Policy Owner: Vice President, Academic
Approval Date: June 7, 2024
Replaces: Program Suspension Policy 2021


To formalize how Cambrian College (‘the College’) makes decisions to suspend a program intake, suspend a program or cancel a program.


This policy applies to all College programs of instruction. It does not apply to individual courses or non-credited programs.


Intake suspension: Involves the suspension of a specific intake cycle (e.g. fall) for the program at a specific site. The program is expected to remain as part of Cambrian’s active program mix. An intake suspension does not necessarily impact intakes at different locations, modes, or cycles.

Program cancellation: A program that the College is no longer offering and in which no students are enrolled. Cancellation of a program will entail the official cancellation of the program with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU). The program will no longer be offered by the College and is removed from the list of program offerings.

Program of instruction: A group of related courses as outlined in the Ontario Qualifications Framework leading to a diploma, certificate, or other document awarded by the Board of Governors.

Program suspension: A program that the College has decided not to admit its first year or beginning level of students, and for which it will develop a transition plan to teach out those students currently registered in the program.

Policy Statements

  1. General
    1. All Cambrian College programs are regularly reviewed for quality and relevance.
    2. The College will make the decision to suspend or cancel a program as early as possible to minimize the impact on applicants and current students.
    3. Suspensions, intake or otherwise, of a program do not necessarily result in immediate or future cancellation of the program.
    4. Program decisions are made and communicated in a respectful, timely, and considerate manner.
    5. Applicants and students impacted by the College’s decision to suspend or cancel a program, or intake, will be notified (typically four weeks prior to the program start date) and be provided with alternative program options, where possible.
    6. The College will develop a transition or teach out plan to enable current students in the program to complete their studies.
  2. Intake Suspension
    1. The decision to suspend a program intake is preceded by a review of applications, offers, confirmations, and other enrolment-related data, and consultation with the appropriate Dean and Registrar.
    2. The Vice President, Academic (VPA) will present recommendations for program intake suspension to Senior Team for approval.
  3. Program Suspension or Cancellation
    1. The decision to suspend or cancel a program at the College is at the discretion of Senior Team, and may include, but is not limited to, the following conditions:
      1. Changes in accreditation status of the program
      2. Changes in legislation
      3. Declining applications, confirmation, and/or enrolment in a program
      4. Program performance
      5. Changes to funding and/or resource allocation
      6. Changes to the College’s strategic priorities
      7. Recommendations stemming from Tier II reviews
      8. Force majeure (e.g. pandemic)
    2. The decision is typically preceded by a process of consultation with all stakeholders and information gathering, in consideration of required elements of qualitative and quantitative program performance including, but not limited to, enrolment
    3. In exceptional circumstances, such as severe financial constraint or force majeure in which timelines and decisions are pressing, the full, or typical, consultation process may be expedited at the discretion of the College.
    4. The VPA will present recommendations for program suspension and/or program cancellation to Senior Team for endorsement.
    5. The Board of Governors has final approval for program suspensions and program cancellations.
    6. The College will inform the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) of program suspensions and program cancellations in accordance with Ministry requirements.
    7. A program that has been formally suspended with the MCU and has not been active for five years will be automatically cancelled by the Ministry.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Board of Governors is responsible for:

  • Reviewing recommendations and making the final decision to approve program suspensions and program cancellations.

Senior Team is responsible for:

  • Approving intake suspensions.
  • Reviewing and endorsing recommendations for program suspensions and program cancellations prior to submission to the Board of Governors for final approval.

Vice President, Academic is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that this policy and associated procedure are fully implemented.
  • Reviewing proposals for program suspensions and program cancellations from Deans and presenting recommendations to Senior Team.
  • Ensuring effective and timely communication of program decisions to the College

Deans are responsible for:

  • Ensuring appropriate information gathering, consultation, transition planning and communication has occurred.
  • Submitting the recommendation and transition plan for the proposed suspension or cancellation to the Vice President, Academic.
  • Contacting affected faculty, staff, and students as per the Academic Program Suspension and Cancellation Procedure and appropriate collective agreements.

Planning, Institutional Research and Quality is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the development, review, and availability of this policy and associated procedure.
  • Notifying the College community about updates to this policy.
  • Notifying the Ministry about program suspensions and program cancellations.

Office of the Registrar is responsible for:

  • Notifying affected applicants of suspended or cancelled programs.
  • Managing program records.

Employees are responsible for:

  • Being familiar and complying with the requirements of this policy.