Honorary Degrees Policy
Honorary Degrees Policy
Policy Type: Corporate
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Alumni, Development and Office of the President
Approval Date: April 15, 2024
Replaces: None
To recognize and honour exceptional individuals who have achieved a distinguished status and/or have made a significant contribution at the college, municipal, provincial, national, or international level.
The recipients of Honorary Degrees are members of the general public which may include students, alumni, employees, Advisory Committee members, former members of the Board of Governors, or former public officials.
Honorary Degree: A credential which recognizes exceptional individuals who have achieved a distinguished status and/or made a significant contribution at the College, municipal, provincial, national, or international level.
College Community: All students, staff, and volunteers of the College.
Policy Statements
- General
- As per Ministry directives, the College may only award one honorary degree per academic year for each bachelor degree it grants. The College, at the discretion of the Board, may decide not to award honorary degrees in a particular academic year.
- The College will not charge any fees for or issue payment to the (proposed) recipient of an honorary credential.
- Nominees must meet one or more of the following criteria. The individual:
- Has made a significant achievement for the public good at the Ontario, national or international level and/or;
- Has achieved notable accomplishments in a particular field of study, in their community or society;
- Serves as a role model of community service to students, alumni and employees;
- Has enhanced, promoted, or contributed to the College’s image and reputation in Ontario or elsewhere and/or;
- Demonstrates the values of the College.
- In exceptional circumstances, the College may choose to waive these requirements to allow the College to honour highly meritorious individuals, who otherwise would not be eligible.
- Honorary credentials are not intended as a memorial honour. Therefore, posthumous honorary credentials will not normally be considered. However, if a candidate passes away after accepting an invitation, but prior to the event, the honorary credential will be presented to an individual designated by the recipient’s family or another legal representative.
- Honorary degrees will be presented during a convocation ceremony or other public event. The recipient must agree to be present as a condition of receiving the award unless the honorary degree is being presented posthumously.
- Nominations of Honorary Degrees
- Nominations for honorary degrees may be submitted by any member of the College community using the Nomination for Honorary Degree Form at any time during the year, however, a formal nomination call will usually be issued annually in September.
- A Selection Committee will review the nominations and bring forward a list of recommended candidates.
- The Board of Governors, through a motion, will make the final selection of the recipient of the Honorary degree.
- Confidentiality is to be maintained throughout the nomination and selection process.
- Rescinding an Honorary Degree
- The Board of Governors may rescind an Honorary Degree should it become known that the recipient (past or present) has engaged in behaviour which conflicts with the College’s values. Evidence of such behaviour may include:
- The person has been convicted of a criminal offence which has not been pardoned;
- Engagement in conduct that constitutes a significant departure from generally recognized standards of public behanviour;
- The person has been the subject of an official sanction, such as a fine or a reprimand, or disqualification by an adjudicating body, professional association, or other organization having relevance to the College’s values.
- The Board of Governors may rescind an Honorary Degree should it become known that the recipient (past or present) has engaged in behaviour which conflicts with the College’s values. Evidence of such behaviour may include:
Responsibilities and Accountability
Office of the President is responsible for:
- Ensuring implementation and compliance of the Honorary Degree process.
- Facilitating the nomination and selection process for Honorary Degrees.
- Reviewing and updating this policy and associated procedure.
Planning, Institutional Research & Quality is responsible for:
- Ensuring the development, review, and availability of this policy.
- Communicating updates about this policy.