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Transfer Credit and Advanced Standing Policy

Transfer Credit and Advanced Standing Policy

Policy Type: Academic
Policy Owner:
Vice President, Academic
Approval Date:
April 15, 2024
Replaces: Version 2022


To establish criteria for recognizing and awarding credit for prior learning through courses and programs at recognized post-secondary institutions.


This policy applies to all full and part-time Cambrian students registered in post-secondary studies, including Cambrian Certificates, College Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Apprenticeship Programs, Graduate Certificates and Baccalaureate/Degree Programs.


Advanced Standing/Block Transfer: The granting of a block of credit for the completion of a group of courses typically based on the completion of an approved credential or full program, from Cambrian or another institution.

Articulation Agreement: A formally recognized agreement between the College and a sending institution that specifies the number of Transfer Credits awarded towards the earning of a Cambrian post-secondary credential.

Articulation: The process of assessing programs or courses offered at other institutions to determine whether to grant credit towards the earning of a Cambrian post-secondary credential.   Articulation is therefore the process, while Block Transfer Credit or Transfer Credit is the end result.

Course Equivalency: The granting of course credit for the successful completion of an equivalent course at Cambrian College.

Course Exemption: The granting of course credit for the recognition of knowledge, skills, or abilities that are demonstrated and/ or assessed via assessment measures that are administered by or approved by the College (e.g. Admission or Placement Testing, etc.).

Grouped Credit:  The credit awarded when two or more courses must be combined to obtain Transfer Credit.

Recognized Institutions:  The College considers the following as “recognized” for the purposes of evaluating Transfer Credit and awarding block Transfer Credit:

  1. Member institutions of the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT)
  2. Canadian public post-secondary institutions
  3. Universities Canada member institutions
  4. International institutions considered accredited or recognized in their country, as determined by the Office of the Registrar through accreditation reference materials or the Ministries of Education of that country
  5. The Vice President, Academic may approve credits obtained from any institution or organization that does not meet the above criteria upon consultation with the Registrar and at the request of the appropriate Dean.

Transfer Credit: the recognition of previous academic work completed at the College and/or other Recognized Institutions.

Policy Statements

  1. In all Transfer Credit arrangements, the academic integrity of Cambrian’s courses and programs must be protected and preserved.
  2. The primary purpose of recognizing previous post-secondary learning is to increase student access to post-secondary education at the College by facilitating mobility between other Recognized Institutions and the College, as well as between different Cambrian programs.
  3. Whenever possible, the College maximizes a student’s ability to satisfy program requirements through Transfer Credit.
  4. Courses successfully completed at recognized post-secondary institutions that are deemed equivalent to Cambrian courses are considered for Transfer Credit.
  5. For courses completed more than 5 years ago, the assignment of Transfer Credits or Advanced Standing will be considered on an individual basis
  6. Graduates from the same MCU-approved programs at Ontario Community Colleges are awarded equal Block Transfer Credit/Advanced Standing in their program at the College, where possible.
  7. All requests for Transfer Credit and Block Transfer Credit learning require the submission of official documentation.
  8. Students may be exempt from having to complete certain courses based on Course Exemption.
  9. The College considers Grouped Credit to establish equivalency of a single course.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Vice President, Academic is responsible for:

  • Ensuring compliance and implementation of this policy and associated procedure.
  • Reviewing any requests for Transfer Credit consideration that fall outside of the scope of the policy, including requests where courses are completed at private institutions or institutions that are not accredited.

Deans/Chairs are responsible for:

  • Making available Subject Matter Experts to assess transferability of courses previously completed at another approved post-secondary institution.
  • Submitting for consideration to the Vice President Academic, any requests for Transfer Credit that fall outside of the scope of this policy.
  • Participating in any Transfer Credit appeals.

Office of the Registrar is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and updating this policy and corresponding procedure in consultation with the Vice President, Academic and the Vice President, Human Resources, Student Services and International.
  • Receiving any Transfer Credit requests and distribute to the appropriate academic departments.
  • Supporting the Transfer Credit process by maintaining the Transfer Credit and course equivalent database.
  • Maintaining the student’s academic record that will include any Transfer Credits awarded through this policy.

International Office is responsible for:

  • Supporting the Transfer Credit process by providing additional information regarding accreditation of international post-secondary institutions.

Pathways Office is responsible for:

  • Providing support to students through the Transfer Credit process.
  • Hosting Transfer Credit information events and orientation to support student mobility.
  • Preparing annual reports regarding Transfer Credit activity at Cambrian.

Faculty are responsible for:

  • Assessing transferability of courses previously completed at another approved post-secondary institution.
  • Assessing Course Equivalency for courses previously completed at Cambrian College.

Students are responsible for:

  • Checking their enrolment status when applying for Transfer Credit. Receiving Transfer Credit may affect a student’s course load, which in turn may affect fees and eligibility for Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), scholarships, bursaries, and other sponsorships.
  • Initiating the Transfer Credit or Course Equivalent process and all subsequent requirements and submissions.