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Program Delivery Policy

Program Delivery Policy

Approval Date: March 9, 2020
Effective Date: April 1, 2020
Date Reviewed: November 2019
Replaces: Version 2012


To ensure quality assurance for delivery of all programs of instruction and support of the learning experience for Cambrian College (the “College”) students.


All Programs of Instruction offered by the College.


Course Outline: A document that outlines the structure of a particular course. The outline includes key elements such as the course title, course code, topics and course requirements.

Delivery Mode: The method by which the student receives instruction (e.g. face-to-face, online (e-learning), web or video-conferencing or a combination thereof).

International Student Program: The program by which the Province of Ontario grants postsecondary institutions the status as a Designated Learning Institution for foreign nationals seeking to attend a post-secondary institution in Ontario for the purposes of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, S.O.R./2002-227.

Private Partner: A private business or entity independent of the College that provides products, software and/or services under a Public College-Private Partnership agreement and who are independently designated under the International Student Program.

Program of Instruction: a group of related courses typically leading to a diploma, certificate or other credential (funded or non-funded) awarded by the College.

Public College-Private Partnership: A contractual agreement between a public college of applied arts and technology in Ontario and a Private Partner for the delivery, by the Private Partner, of College Programs of Instruction leading to an Ontario college credential.

Policy Statements

  1. General
    1. All delivery of College programs of instruction, regardless of location and/or Private Partner must:
      1. Adhere to College policies and related processes, unless otherwise stipulated through contractual agreements;
      2. Utilize official curriculum as provided by the College;
      3. Be marketed and promoted utilizing College-approved media and material;
      4. Participate folly in quality assurance processes of the College; and
      5. Provide students with opportunities to engage with the broader College community.
    2. All Programs of Instruction, regardless of delivery mode or provider, adhere to the same principles of high academic standards required by the College.
    3. Students admitted to programs delivered through Public College-Private Partnership agreements are College students and as such, have the rights and responsibilities of any student.
    4. Students have the right to know the modes of delivery and technological requirements for each course offered by the College. This information is included within the official, published Course Outline.
    5. The College ensures that all learners regardless of delivery format or location have a comparable learning experience.
    6. Course content may be adjusted to reflect ‘special requirements’ that may arise due to differences in delivery modalities.
    7. The Dean, in consultation with the program coordinator/faculty, determines the necessity for, and approval of, ‘special requirements’.
    8. The published Course Outline reflects any approved ‘special requirements’.
  2. The College
    1. Ensures foll transparency in relation to the nature of the offer to students, including:
      1. whether the program will be delivered by a Private Partner;
      2. the site to which the student’s offer of admission applies;
      3. how the rights and privileges of students will be addressed at sites which may be lacking amenities on site (e.g., library resources, student services, provision of student housing); and,
      4. how the integration of students into the College community will be addressed.
    2. Ensures minimum entrance requirements apply to any individual seeking admission to a College Program of Instruction.
    3. Exercises due diligence around the fiscal sustainability of the Private Partner with whom they may enter into a contract for program delivery. Should the Private Partner cease operations, the College will have a responsibility to ensure that the students can complete their current program of study.
    4. Conducts cyclical review/audits of Private Partner program delivery to ensure the College’s quality standards are met.
    5. Shall seek any necessary approvals from the Minister of Finance of the President of the Treasury Board prior to entering into a Public-Private Partnership agreement.
  3. Private Partners
    1. In cases where the College is contracting with a Private Partner for the delivery of a Program of Instruction within Ontario, the College enters into contracts only with Private Partners:
      1. Who are independently designated under the International Student Program and recognized by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (“MCU”) to operate in Ontario;
      2. Whose past conduct provides grounds for the belief that the organization will operate in accordance with the law and with honesty and integrity;
      3. Whose learning environment supports the learning outcomes of the program(s) being delivered; and
      4. Whose staff engaged to teach in the program are appropriately qualified, and where the qualifications are subject to evaluation by the College at its sole discretion.
    2. New and renewal of existing Public College-Private Partnership agreements require the approval of the College’s Board of Governors and prior approval from the MCU before establishing a new Public College-Private Partnership or renewing an existing Public College- Private Partnership arrangement.
    3. The contractual agreement specifically embodies the requirements and principles of this policy.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Vice President Academic is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the overall quality and integrity of all Programs of Instruction.

Dean, Planning, Institutional Research and Quality is responsible for:

  • Overseeing the development, continual improvement and implementation of quality assurance mechanisms related to the delivery of Programs of Instruction.

Academic Administrators are responsible for:

  • Ensuring compliance with the requirements of this policy.


Private Partner Quality Assurance Process Audit


Framework for Programs of Instruction: Ministers Binding Policy Directive, MCU

Public College – Private Partnerships: Minister’s Binding Policy Directive, MCU

Admissions Criteria Minister’s Binding Policy Directive, MCU