Approval Authority Schedule Policy
Approval Authority Schedule Policy
Policy Type: Governance Process – Compliance
Policy Owner: Vice President, Finance, Administration and Applied Research
Approval Date: June 7, 2024
Reviewed by Governance Committee: May 9, 2024
Replaces: Version 2023
Corresponding Procedure: Approval Authority Operating Procedure
Approval Authority Schedule Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the Approval Authority Schedule (AAS) and define the authorization levels delegated by the Board of Governors to Cambrian College (“the College”) employees for various types of purchases, budget, and banking activities. This policy complies with the 2024 Broader Public Sector Accountability Act.
This policy applies to the Board of Governors, the President, and all Cambrian College employees.
College administrator: A college administrative employee appointed to a position that gives them authority to review and approve financial related transactions.
Delegator: The employee who has authority to take action on behalf of the Board who transfers (“delegates”) his/her authority to another employee (“delegate”).
Delegate: The employee who is officially transferred the authority to act on behalf of the delegator.
Policy Statements
- Signing authority within the College is determined by an employee’s position within the organization. All binding decisions are made with the proper authority according to the attributes and significance of the decision, and the control of funds is always exercised appropriately.
- Appropriate signing authority is required for an employee to commit the College to expenditures or other contractual obligations, to authorize payments, and to transfer and/or assign securities.
- A college administrator will only delegate their approval authority to a college administrator who holds a management position unless the college administrator delegate has been officially assigned into an acting manager position.
- Violation by an employee of their signing authority may be considered a breach of employment contract.
- Signing authority is determined by position. If an employee changes position, their signing authority will change to align with their new role.
- When employees leave the College, their signing authority will be cancelled by their effective departure date.
- Cambrian may rescind the signing authority of an employee at any time when deemed necessary, without disclosing cause.
- Requisitions, contracts, or payments exceeding an employee’s authorized approval limit must be approved by an employee with the required level of signing authority.
- Employees with signing authority that are approving the purchase of goods and/or services received, need to ensure the purchase meets the intended need, and follows the terms and conditions of Cambrian’s Procurement Policy.
- Employees cannot authorize a transaction or contract from which they may benefit. For example, approving payments for personal expenses and/or reimbursements.
- A contract or transaction commitment cannot be reduced to avoid exceeding an employee’s approval limit. Examples of these reductions may include subdividing projects, procurements and contracts, or awarding multiple consecutive purchases to the same vendor.
Levels of Authority
The following authorization levels apply:
- Level 1: Board of Governors
- Level 2: President
- Level 3: Senior Team
- Level 4: Direct Reports to Senior Team
- Level 5: Direct Reports to Level 4
- Level 6: Executive Assistants
Areas of Authority
a. Banking Activity

b. Procurement

c. Budget

d. Construction Projects

This applies to major capital construction projects exceeding $1M.
e. Contracts
Refer to Contract Management Policy.
Responsibilities and Accountability
Vice President, Finance, Administration and Applied Research is responsible for:
- Ensuring oversight of the Approval Authority Schedule Policy and corresponding procedure.
- Ensuring the development, review, and availability of the Approval Authority Schedule Policy and corresponding procedure.
Office of Finance, Administration and Applied Research is responsible for:
- Maintaining a signing authority binder along with original signatures of budget holders.
- Maintaining an organizational chart with authority levels noted.
College Administrators are responsible for:
- Adhering to this policy.
- Reviewing and approving financial transactions as per their approval authority.