Cambrian College Hosts Corrections Scenario Training
Oct 20, 2023

Picture: Crisis Negotiators and Institutional Crisis Intervention Team members from both the Sudbury and North Bay jails held a mock jail stand-off exercise in the Justice Scenario Lab at Cambrian College in Sudbury.
SUDBURY – Students in Cambrian College’s School of Law and Justice got a first-hand look at how to deal with a crisis situation in a jail setting.
The college hosted a mock exercise involving Crisis Negotiators and the Institutional Crisis Intervention teams from both the Sudbury and North Bay jails.
In the scenario, students observed the teams as they dealt with disruptive inmates.
“I think this was a great exercise for our students to see personally because these are the skills and knowledge they will need to have in their careers in law enforcement and corrections,” says Leah Bouthillier, part-time faculty and coordinator of Cambrian’s Community and Justice Services program.
“It was very realistic and definitely shows the need to be calm and collected in a heated situation.”
The exercise was held in Cambrian’s Justice Scenario lab, which includes working jail cells. In the exercise scenario, the Crisis Negotiator Team successfully negotiated with one inmate to cooperate. Another inmate continued to defy instructions and became belligerent and destructive.
The Institutional Crisis Intervention Team was activated to deploy techniques to bring the situation under control.
“This demonstration was a great opportunity for the Justice and Law students at Cambrian College to experience the expertise of the Institutional Crisis Intervention Team,” says Jeannine Bignucolo, Sudbury Jail Superintendent. “This unit uses skills and techniques to manage disruptive inmates when necessary, and a mock exercise is a strategic and safe way to showcase to students the potential scenarios they may encounter in a career in Ontario corrections.”
Cambrian College offers six programs through its School of Law and Justice.
They include Community and Justice Services, Corporate Safety and Security, Crime Analytics, Emergency Services Communication, Police Foundations, and Protection, Security and Investigation.
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Cambrian College is Northern Ontario’s largest college, with more than 100 programs. Cambrian’s main campus is in Greater Sudbury, with satellite centres in Espanola and Little Current. For more information about Cambrian College, click here.
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