Spring Open House
Talk to our knowledgeable program experts and staff, chat with other students, explore our campus, enter to win a $10,000 prize, and more!
April 5, 2025, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Register now

One of our biggest events of the year is just around the corner. Don’t miss attending our Spring Open House on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. EDT. During the event, you’ll have the opportunity to talk to our knowledgeable program experts and staff, chat with other students, explore our campus, enter to win a $10,000 prize, and more!
We know you can’t wait
Early bird prize
Register for the event by Monday, March 31, 2025, for a chance to win a $250 Amazon gift card!
Event prizes
Want to win $10,000, a firepit built by Cambrian College students, a pizza oven, or a $1,000 scholarship?
Attend Open House for your chance to win!
The firepit was proudly built by students in the Welding and Fabrication Technician program.
Rules and Regulations
Early Bird Prize
Attendees of Cambrian College’s Spring Open House on Saturday, April 5, 2025, who pre-register for the event on or before 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, March 31, 2025, will be eligible to have the chance to win:
- One $250 CAD Amazon gift card redeemable at Amazon.ca.
Event Prizes
Attendees of Cambrian College’s College Spring Open House on April 5, 2025, who attend the event will be automatically entered into the prize draw before 2 p.m. EDT on Saturday, April 5, 2025. Those entered will have the chance to win one of the following prizes:
- A firepit (built and handcrafted by Cambrian College students)
- A pizza oven (valued at $2,200)
- One $1,000 scholarship (towards tuition at Cambrian College)
- $10,000 cash**
Scholarship Prize
Only students who remain registered beyond day 10 of the fall 2025 semester at Cambrian College that have been identified throughout the application process may claim this award.
The scholarship prize will be available to winners after September 30, 2025. The prize money shall be applied first to any outstanding balance owing to the College. If all fees are paid, the College will mail a cheque to the winner’s mailing address on file.
Academic programs qualifying for this program include:
Full-time Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities approved programs delivered by Cambrian College through its Sudbury, Espanola, or Little Current locations.
The programs must fall within the following categories to be eligible:
- A post-secondary Ontario College Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, or Graduate Certificate program.
- A Degree program.
Academic programs for which this incentive is not available:
Adult Training Programs, Continuing Education courses or certificate programs, and any other courses or program activity for which the registrant is not required to pay a tuition fee are excluded from this incentive program.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Only students who register in semester 1 of an eligible program in fall 2025 and who confirmed their acceptance of an offer of admission to Cambrian College are eligible for the scholarship.
- Students may transfer into another qualifying academic program up to the last day to register for the fall 2025 semester as defined in that year’s academic schedule.
- Canadian Citizenship or landed immigrant status is required to be eligible.
- A student transferring to Cambrian in semester two or higher in the fall 2025 semester is not eligible for the scholarship.
- Employees (or their dependents) qualifying for the Employee Tuition Fee Bursary program are not eligible.
Winner Selection and Prize Distribution
All attendees of Cambrian College’s Spring Open House on April 5, 2025, who meet the eligibility requirements of this contest will be entered into the prize draw once and will only be eligible to win one prize.
Winners of all prizes will be randomly selected. All prizes will be drawn by April 30, 2025.
Each prize winner will be notified by email before or on April 30, 2025. Scholarship details will be sent by email, the pizza oven and firepit must be picked up within two weeks of the initial contact or the next name will be drawn.
If a prize is not claimed by May 15, 2025, Cambrian College reserves the right to acknowledge that the prize is refused and the recipient will no longer be eligible to receive the prize.
Applicant Prize Program
Students confirming an offer of admission in a qualifying program for the fall 2025 semester will be notified of their eligibility for the lottery through their myCambrian portal.
The College reserves the right to limit access and/or to suspend the delivery of the Applicant Prize Program.
Academic programs qualifying for this program include:
Full-time Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities programs delivered by Cambrian College through its Sudbury, Espanola, or Little Current locations.
The programs must fall within the following categories to be eligible:
- A post-secondary Ontario College Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, or Graduate Certificate program.
- A Degree program.
Academic programs for which this incentive is not available:
Adult Training Programs, Upgrading, Continuing Education courses or certificate programs, and any other courses or program activity for which the registrant is not required to pay a tuition fee are excluded from this award program.
Details for Students with Disabilities
Students with permanent disabilities, who require the accommodation of a reduced course load due to the impact of a documented disability, may be eligible to participate in the Program. For the purposes of this program, the definition of permanent disability is:
A functional limitation caused by a physical or mental impairment that restricts the ability of a person to perform the daily activities necessary to participate in studies while enrolled in what the institution considers to be a full course load for the period of study in question, which impairment is expected to remain with the person for the expected duration of the person’s postsecondary studies.
A student is required to identify themselves to the appropriate person at Cambrian’s disabilities services office and present documentation confirming the disability and the need for a reduced course load as a learning accommodation. Such documentation must satisfy the College that it meets the following criteria:
- Medical documentation from an appropriate health care professional (e.g. a legally qualified psychiatrist/medical practitioner that indicates a permanent disability); or
- A learning disability assessment from a qualified assessor supporting the student’s permanent learning disability (e.g. a registered psychologist, or psychological associate).
- Attention Deficit Disorder and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may be diagnosed by a registered psychologist with ADD/ADHD training; a neuro-psychologist; a psychological associate; and/or a relevantly trained medical doctor.
The ADHD assessment should outline the diagnosis and the impact of the hyperactivity or the lack of attention on learning. Once approved, the approval will be forwarded to the Glenn Crombie Centre office for tracking and assessment.
$10,000 Prize
Effective for new students entering a full-time Cambrian College program as of September 2025. The winner must be a registered student at Cambrian College (past day 10 in the academic calendar) to collect their prize. Canadian Citizenship or landed immigrant status is required to be eligible. If the student owes fees to Cambrian, the fees will be covered by the $10,000 first, then the rest will be mailed by cheque or deposited directly into the bank account of the winner.
The winner will be notified by Cambrian’s recruitment team by phone on or before October 1, 2025.
Privacy Statement
Personal information is collected in accordance with sections 21, 39, and 43 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and under the legal authority of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act R.S.O. 1990, and the Ontario and Technology Act, 2002, Regulations 34/03, and used for educational, administrative, and statistical purposes of the College.

Joining us from out of town?
If you’re travelling to Sudbury to attend Open House, and you’ve pre-registered before 11:59 p.m. EDT on March 31, you can pick up a $50 gas card during the event! *One gas card per vehicle/family.
Here is what we have planned for you.
Campus tours
Main campus
Join a member of our Recruitment Team for a tour of our campus, including student services available, lab locations, and more!
Academic program information booths
Student Life Centre
Meet our program experts, get your questions answered, and learn more about the program(s) of your choosing!
Student services
Main campus
Explore the various free student services and supports that will be available to you as a student.
Application station
Main entrance
Ready to apply to Cambrian? Visit our application station and our experts will walk you through the application process. Better bonus? We will pay your application* fee for you on the spot!
*Canadian Citizenship or landed immigrant status is required to be eligible.
Passport to dining (free food to enjoy)
Main campus
We have your favourite foods ready for you to snack on as you explore everything Cambrian has to offer! Visit all the food stations and be entered to win a $250 Amazon gift card!
Swag station
Already received an offer to a Cambrian program starting between May 2025 and September 2025? Be sure to pick up your Cambrian-branded Under Armour Backpack!
Fitness challenge
Watch as Cambrian staff go head-to-head against Cambrian College students!
Headframe competition
Gym foyer
Watch our Civil Engineering students test their skills in the 26th annual headframe challenge!
Join us in Sudbury!
Sudbury is a beautiful city that has a great mix of city and country living. Sudbury is known for having 330+ lakes, picturesque trails, and a stunning landscape. The city, which is the largest geographically in the province, is also home to Canada’s second and eighth largest science centres.
Have questions? We’re here to help!
If you have any questions about programs, funding, OSAP, deadlines, student services, or anything else, reach out to our support team and we are happy to help!