Douglas A. Smith Family Foundation

About the Douglas A. Smith Family Foundation
The iconic red cab of a Manitoulin Transport truck is instantly recognizable.
For over 60 years, it has stood as a symbol of consistency and reliability for the many thousands of clients the company has served across the country.
The individual members of the Smith family—the founder and the present-day owners of Manitoulin Transport, the namesakes of the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business—are not as easily identifiable as the vehicles in their ever-growing fleet.
But if you ask their staff, their business partners, and their long-standing customers, who understand and celebrate the vital role they have played, and continue to play, in driving growth and prosperity in the communities where they operate, the Smith family name and what is stands for is bold and unmistakable. Innovation and creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to recognize opportunity and seize it, and unwavering commitment are the values that have defined the family’s approach to business and life for decades.
“Everything about our history and where we are today hinges on the values we live – integrity top among them,” says Jeff Smith, Vice-Chair of Manitoulin Transport, and the former Chair of Cambrian College’s Board of Governors. “We try to do the right thing, not the easy thing, and we always do it with peoples’ best interests at heart. That’s how we’ve built our reputation and our status in the business community and transportation industry.”
The status Manitoulin Transport has achieved in the transportation industry is truly remarkable. When it was officially founded in 1960 by Jeff and Gord Smith’s father, Douglas (Doug) A. Smith, it operated with only a single license to transport goods between Toronto and Manitoulin Island. Ever the forward-thinker, Doug saw opportunities to expand the business when competitors were taking a more cautious approach. During a period of industry deregulation in the late 1980s following a severe economic recession, Doug chose to seize what he saw as a chance to increase Manitoulin Transport’s reach through a series of business acquisitions.
“My father was never afraid to do what he thought was needed to grow his business. If that meant taking a chance on an outside-the-box idea that he strongly believed in, he would go for it. When we decided to affiliate ourselves with the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business at Cambrian, we did so in part because we recognized a business philosophy in action at the College that so closely mirrors our own: When you see a pressing need, find a creative way to respond to it. If it hasn’t been done before, why not be the first?
“The recent launch of the new three-year Bachelor of Business Administration degree program at Cambrian—the first of its kind in Ontario—is a perfect example of the kind of daring, forward-thinking approach that has always been a part of our business practice. We’re immensely proud to be supporting this type of ground-breaking educational opportunity, which we know will become a hallmark of the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business.”
In the period following industry deregulation, Manitoulin Transport grew steadily under Doug’s leadership, as he and his team continuously found new ways to fill gaps in service while acquiring more and more assets. Along the way, they built lasting relationships with satisfied customers who could always be counted on to advocate on the company’s behalf. Today, Manitoulin Transport is the flagship of the larger Manitoulin Group of Companies, which provides sole-source transportation and logistical services on a global scale.
The ability to acquire businesses alone does not guarantee the type of success that the Smith family has achieved. A desire to realize continuous improvement in service through innovation and staff development, a deep understanding of the importance of having foresight and a strategic vision, a commitment to understanding and responding to the needs of customers, and above all else, a belief in hard work, were all principles that Doug Smith embraced and has passed on to sons Jeff and his brother Gord, Chairman of the Manitoulin Group of Companies.
Now in his 90s, Doug (never “Mr. Smith” – that would be too formal) continues to come into his office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, spending time on both the business he created and community development projects in his hometown of Gore Bay. Despite the tremendous growth Manitoulin Transport has experienced nationally and internationally, the Smiths remain deeply rooted in the northern communities where they live and work. Jeff Smith serves on a number of charitable boards while giving generously to healthcare, education, and a variety of other worthy causes personally and through the Douglas A. Smith Family Foundation. This sense of place, and responsibility to it, are a big part of why they see Cambrian as such an important partner.
“We see a huge need for business professionals to create economic opportunities around the north and beyond,” says Jeff Smith. “We want graduates from the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business to go out into the world and be the leaders they are meant to be – in their chosen professions and in their home communities. Being the largest college in the north, and with its impressive track record, we’ve always seen Cambrian as an exceptional place to invest. We know they value community as much as we do and that they will always work hard to ensure students receive the best education possible.”
When asked what the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business will look like in the future – five years from now, ten years, and beyond – Jeff Smith doesn’t hesitate in his response.
“Best in class,” he says. “That’s what we want this school to be. It’s what we strive for in our business, and it’s what we want Cambrian students to work toward as well.”
“The investments we’ve made, and our continued involvement with the College, are all about raising Cambrian’s profile and providing opportunities and resources for people to achieve their full potential. We already recognize so many parallels between the things we do as a business and the qualities Cambrian business students exhibit during their studies. They’re nimble, creative, and ready to challenge the status quo. We want to push them even further so they graduate feeling confident in their abilities and fully prepared to take on whatever challenges might be ahead of them.”
“We’re eager to see the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business establish itself as a model of excellence, shaping individuals who will make us proud. We anticipate great achievements from our future graduates.”
Grand Opening
Cambrian College Renames School of Business in Honour of the Douglas A. Smith Family Foundation
For years, the Douglas A. Smith Family Foundation has been a key supporter of Cambrian College, in particular its various business programs.
In recognition of this support, Cambrian has announced that its School of Business will now be known as the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business.
“The establishment of the Douglas A. Smith Family School of Business marks a significant moment in Cambrian College’s history and will have a huge impact on our business programs,” says Cambrian College President Kristine Morrissey. “This generous contribution will empower students to pursue their educational goals while strengthening our commitment to excellence in business education.”