Strategic Plan 2025-2030

We are creating our next strategic plan, our vision for the future.
As a college, we set a strategy to help shape where we grow and what we focus on, to create the best experiences and outcomes possible for our students, faculty, staff, and partners. The strategy becomes the work we do every day. Join us on the journey!
Strategy Hive Topics
Help Shape the Future of Cambrian College!
We have just completed our first two phases of this work and are so thrilled with the high amount of engagement from across the college and community to date.
Now, we move from gathering ideas to co-creating visionary priorities. Between November 20-22, Cambrian College will be hosting a series of intensive planning sessions called Strategy Hives to help us explore big strategic questions that will shape the future of the college. Unlike the conversations during “pollination,” each Hive is focused on a specific topic, bringing together diverse participants, with the goal of envisioning priorities and objectives. The Hives will be highly interactive, in-person sessions, and we encourage everyone to attend at least one or more!
The sessions are open to everyone and will be dynamic and fun! Come for one or all – your voice is important!
Hive 1: How do we solidify Cambrian College as an education “magnet” in the north?
Cambrian College, Main Campus, Room 2119
Nov. 20, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Cambrian is already a significant hub for education in the region, and draws students and partners from across Canada and around the world. How do we deepen our role as an educational “magnet” in a way that lets us continue to provide transformative education for our region while developing a competitive edge for learners across the world?
Some of the ideas we will explore in this session will include:
- How do we deepen our relationships with regional communities and industry partners to support targeted professional development, stronger transitions to education, community-driven programming, cutting edge industry knowledge and workforce readiness?
- How can our Northern and regional strengths give us a competitive edge for learners beyond our region? How could we lean into teaching people from other parts of Canada and across the world about the unique knowledge of northern communities? How can we use our unique relationship to the landscape to integrate environmental sustainability across our programs?
Hive 2: What are the programs and teaching of the future?
Cambrian College, Main Campus, Room 2119
Nov. 20, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Throughout pollination, we heard about many strengths of Cambrian’s teaching and programming, including how much people value faculty expertise and care for student success. As we look forward, how can Cambrian continue to shape forward-thinking teaching, learning and programming?
In this session, we will explore questions such as:
- What is the program balance that will generate both transformative education and financial sustainability – local, regional, global? How will we make decisions about which programs to prioritize?
- How could we evolve our programs and teaching to fully embrace the changing landscape of technology, artificial intelligence and the world of work? What are the arenas where we can hone a competitive edge?
- How we do we support faculty and staff to be leaders in their spheres?
Hive 3: How do we deepen Student Support, Accessibility and Inclusion?
Cambrian College, Main Campus, Student Life Centre
Nov. 21, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Throughout the earlier engagement, we hear overwhelmingly how much people value the “special sauce” of the supportive Cambrian community – and how important it is to continue fostering student support and accessibility in a sustainable way. In this session, we will explore how to deepen and sustain the community warmth that is already the foundation of Cambrian.
Some of the questions we will explore include…
- How do we make Cambrian even more accessible and inclusive for students across our regions and around the world, from practical life needs and academic support to all the elements of a transformative education and career preparation?
- How do we sustain our “secret sauce” of warmth and personal connection in a sustainable way?
- How do we deepen our commitment to Indigeneity across programs, curriculum and community?
Hive 4: Express Hive: What is the next generation of partnerships and innovations for Cambrian?
Nov. 27, 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
One of the central strands of Cambrian College’s strategic planning is defining the next generation for partnerships and innovation, in Northern Ontario and across the globe. On November 27 from 12 to 1:30 p.m., we are hosting a short, “express” version of our interactive strategy “hive” process to engage our partners and stakeholders in exploring potential priorities for the next era for Cambrian College.
Please join us for a 90-minute, interactive session via Zoom to explore key questions that matter to all of us:
- How should Cambrian be building on our existing regional and global partnerships? Where should we be focusing our energy around technology, innovation and shared goals in ways that benefit our learners, our research, our communities and our partners’ priorities?
- What are the trends in technology and innovation we need to get ahead of? What are the innovation zones that will define the next decade or beyond for Cambrian?
- What do partners need from Cambrian? What do good partnerships look like?
- How do we build sustainable capacity to seize and grow innovative opportunities?
Hive 5: How do we shape our work to sustain wellbeing and focus on what matters most?
Cambrian College, Main Campus, Student Life Centre
Nov. 22, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Throughout the pollination process, we heard many ideas for day-to-day improvements in processes, use of space, systems and ways of working that could improve student experience and faculty and staff work flow. Building on all of the ideas in the first four Hives, in this session we will explore opportunities for improvements that will maximize the time we spend meeting student, graduate and partner needs and supporting their success? How do we evolve our way of working together to sustain our warm and connected culture while maximizing wellbeing for everyone?

A vision for the future. Strategic Plan 2025-2030.
We want to hear from you
We want to hear from as many voices across our Cambrian community as possible. We are planning many ways for students, faculty, staff, partners and alumni to share their thoughts with us.
Phase 1
We will be hosting focus groups, inviting everyone to answer big strategic questions posted online and across the college, and our Core Engagement Team will also be reaching out to people from across our community for one-on-one conversations.
Phase 2
We are planning intensive strategy sessions called "Strategy Hives" where leaders, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners will come together to shape future visions for the college and what we need to do to get there. Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate.
Phase 3
We will refine all the feedback and input received in phase 1 and 2 and craft an initial strategy framework. This will be reviewed by the Core Engagement Team prior to review by the Senior Team and final approval by the Board of Governors.
Ongoing updates
Follow us on our social media channels, visit this webpage and watch your emails as we will also provide updates to everyone throughout the process in various ways.
Core Engagement Team
This process will be guided by a diverse group of Cambrian faculty, staff and students who have generously volunteered their time.
- Alison Caruso
- Andrew Dale
- Arthur Pringle
- Autumn Stonier
- Bradie Granger
- Brian Lobban
- Ciara You
- Dan Lessard
- Ernie Boeswald
- Gaurav Soni
- Gurkirat Bal
- Jeffrey Green
- Jonathan Duquette
- Kristina Demers
- Krystel Houle
- Laura Killam
- Manan Nimavat
- Mark Collins
- Mary-Liz Warwick
- Mel Young
- Mike Commito
- Mohammad Safavi
- Natasha Condejahnel
- Nicole Dzivy
- Nicole Vizza
- Renée Scott
- Sarah St Michael
- Shawna Partridge
- Shubham Behl
- Stephanie Moncion
- Steve Mantler
- Tara Dumais
For information regarding the Strategic Plan, contact us!

Executive Director, Alumni, Development, and Office of the President